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POC code for critical Android bug published

Last week, researchers from Bluebox Security have made a disconcerting revelation: Google’s Android mobile OS carries a critical bug that allows attackers to modify the …

The magnitude of Android’s “master key” bug

The Android flaw whose existence was revealed last week by Bluebox Security is as bad as they come. “Blowing hash and signing functions so that the underlying code can …

Trojanized Android app collects info, comments on NSA surveillance

An unusual Android Trojan has been recently unearthed by McAfee’s researchers, embedded in a pirated version of a legitimate music app. The app in question is Jay Z …

Android bug allows app code change without breaking signatures

Researchers from Bluebox Security have discovered a critical Android flaw that allows attackers to modify the code of any app without breaking its cryptographic signature, and …

Protect Android devices from theft and malware

The new Norton Mobile Security with antivirus protects your Android phones and tablets from theft, loss, malware and viruses. Remotely locate your lost or stolen device. Scan …

Android hack tool harvests info from PCs

Stealing information is a piece of cake if you can manage to get malware on the target’s Windows computer, but did you know that it can also be as easy as connecting …

Android fake AV demands ransom, crashes

Fake AV software and ransomware are old news for computer users, but are now poised to become a problem for smartphone users as well. Symantec researchers have recently …

How to detect hidden administrator apps on Android

Following the discovery of a new Android Trojan that uses several errors and vulnerabilities in the Android OS to make analysis harder for researchers and to remain hidden …

CyanogenMod founder aims to thwart data-grabbing apps

There’s some very good news for users of CyanogenMod, one of the most popular modified Android firmware on the market: its founder and main developer Steve Kondik (aka …

New Android Trojan is complex as Windows malware

Mobile (and especially Android) malware is on the rise and according to researchers from Kaspersky Lab, its complexity is also increasing. Case in point: …

Cloud security for Windows, Android and iOS

Boxcryptor, the cloud-optimized encryption software, has been updated to version 2.0. The new version includes increased usability as well as features for secure …

Beware of Android Defender mobile scareware

Scareware aimed at mobile users is not nearly as ubiquitous as that directed at those who use Windows-run PCs. Nevertheless, there is some out there. Sophos’ Paul …

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