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Free secure messaging app from Carnegie Mellon researchers

Carnegie Mellon University CyLab researchers have developed a free smartphone app for iOS and Android users to safely exchange identity data without risk of theft, deception …

Vulnerable and aggressive adware threatening millions

FireEye discovered a new mobile threat from a popular ad library that no other antivirus or security vendor has reported publicly before. Mobile ad libraries are third-party …

Over 50% don’t protect their Android devices

Over 50 percent of Android-based smartphone and tablet owners do not use any security software to protect their devices against cyber-threats, according to Kaspersky Lab. This …

Protect high-value transactions on iOS and Android

SecureKey introduced its enhanced cloud-based Connect multi-factor authentication service. This latest version of Connect incorporates the new … released Fire OS 3.0 “Mojito” introduced Fire OS 3.0 “Mojito,” the next generation of software and services that powers Kindle Fire tablets, with hundreds of updates and new features …

Java exploits jump, Android malware emerges outside app stores

A continued rise in exploit-based attacks, particularly against Java, and an increasing sophistication in mobile threats characterized the first half of 2013, which saw its …

Unofficial Android iMessage app can steal info and download malware

Android users who have dreamed about being able to use iMessage, Apple’s proprietary and free messaging solution, have been pleasantly surprised by the iMessage Chat for …

A short overview of Android banking malware

As more and more people use their mobile phones to do their online banking, money transfers, and so on, cyber crooks wielding banking malware are increasingly turning to …

Kaspersky Lab launches solution for multi-device security

Kaspersky Lab announced Kaspersky Internet Security – Multi-Device, a new security product that provides a way for customers to secure their Internet activity across …

One in ten consumers lost money to online fraud

More than one in ten consumers globally have been victims of online fraud that cost them money, according to a recent F-Secure survey which fleshed out consumer concerns about …

Fake “new voicemail” notification targets Android WhatsApp users

Malware peddlers have decided to bank on the popularity of the WhatsApp cross-platform IM app for smartphones in order to get users to install malicious apps on their devices, …

Bogus hacking Android apps offered on Google Play

Getting your Android apps from Google Play is always a better bet than picking them up from third party online marketplaces, but you also can’t be completely sure you …

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