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F-Secure launches KEY, a secure password manager

F-Secure Key safely stores your passwords, user names and other credentials so that you can access them wherever you are through one master password. Your personal data is …

New threats subverting digital signature validation

McAfee Labs found new efforts to circumvent digital signature app validation on Android-based devices. The McAfee Labs team identified a new family of mobile malware that …

1.2% of apps on Google Play are repackaged to deliver ads, collect info

Not a month goes by without security researchers finding new malicious apps on Google Play. According to BitDefender, more than one percent of 420,000+ analyzed apps offered …

Malicious emails target multiple operating systems

Over the past several years, we have seen the proliferation of malware targeting mobile devices such as Android and iOS. The vast majority of the malware has been designed to …

Free mobile security scanning apps and SDK

iScan Online announced an updated and enhanced suite of security scanning services. iScan Online Mobile for iOS – This app provides security scanning for iPhone and iPad …

The complexity of Android malware is increasing

259 new mobile threat families and variants of existing families were discovered by F-Secure Labs in the third quarter of 2013, according to the a new mobile threat report for …

Another Android “master key” bug revealed

The existence of another “master key” bug that can be used to push malware onto Android users has been publicly disclosed by Jay Freeman (a.k.a Saurik), the …

Svpeng Android banking Trojan goes phishing

The Android banking Trojan known as Svpeng has been improved by its creators and is now capable to perform phishing attacks as well as stealing money directly from a …

How to sniff local network traffic on an unrooted Android device

Google Play hosts a number of applications that focus on local network traffic sniffing for Android devices, but for the majority of them you would first need to root the …

Free Android security app from Malwarebytes

Malwarebytes launched a free mobile security application for Android devices. Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Mobile, available on

Fraudware virus targeting Android users in China and South East Asia

NQ Mobile has identified, “Copycat App,” a new fraudware virus threat targeting Android users in China and several countries in South East Asia. “Copycat …

Analyzing APK files inside an online Android application sandbox

Anubis is an online project developed by International Secure Systems Lab, which focuses on analyzing of binaries for different type of systems. The online sandbox was first …

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