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Fake mobile AV apps sold on Google Play and Windows Phone Store

Remember when the popular but totally useless security app named Virus Shield appeared for sale on Google Play and netted its creators over $40,000 before being removed from …

Wi-Fi Smart Plug: Control devices from anywhere

D-Link announced the Wi-Fi Smart Plug (DSP-W215), which allows users to monitor and control their home’s electronic devices from anywhere. Using the free mydlink app for …

Android “Police Locker” ransomware set to attack

Android users might soon become victims of “Police Locker” ransomware, if they haven’t already, warns the researcher behind the Malware don’t need …

New Android Trojan spreads like a worm

A new SMS Trojan with worm-like spreading capabilities has been spotted targeting Russian Android users. Dubbed “Samsapo,” the malware can also extract information …

99 percent of Q1 mobile threats targeted Android

Over 99% of new mobile threats discovered by F-Secure Labs in the first quarter of 2014 targeted Android users, according to the company’s new Mobile Threat Report. 277 …

Popular but fake security app removed from Google Play

In little over a week, a developer selling a security app named Virus Shield on Google Play has managed to earn over $40,000, and the software topped the list of most …

SMS Trojan goes after digital wallets

Not satisfied with the money earned via mobile Trojans sending out text messages to premium numbers, cyber crooks have begun adding other money-stealing functionalities to the …

Cerberus app users warned about data breach

Users of the Cerberus anti-theft Android app have been receiving warnings from the Cerberus Security Team, urging them to change their password as they have been reset in the …

Hidden crypto currency-mining code spotted in apps on Google Play

You already know that cyber criminals are using malware to make victims’ computers mine crypto currencies for them, but did you know that your phone can be instructed to …

Over half of Android users fail to lock their phones

An ad hoc survey conducted by Google’s anti-abuse research lead Elie Bursztein has shown that over half of Android users don’t lock their phones in any meaningful …

Android bug can push devices into an endless reboot loop

A Proof-of-Concept app exploiting a recently discovered Android vulnerability that triggers the continuous rebooting of an affected device was apparently also behind the …

Flaws in Android update mechanism could turn apps into malware

A group of researchers from Indiana University and Microsoft Research have unearthed six Android vulnerabilities that can be exploited to turn apparently harmless apps into …

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