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Aggressive adware in Google Play apps

Bitdefender has discovered 10 Google Play apps that have been packed full of aggressive adware. These either subscribe users to premium-rate numbers using scareware messages …

How safe are Android-based children’s tablets?

Looking for an Android-based tablet for your child but don’t know which one to choose? If you are concerned about the security of your child’s data – as you …

Mobile apps left vulnerable for months

McAfee Labs researchers found that mobile app providers have been slow to address the most basic SSL vulnerabilities: improper digital certificate chain validation. In …

New Android Trojan fakes device shut down, spies on users

A new Android Trojan that tricks users into believing they have shut their device down while it continues working, and is able to silently make calls, send messages, take …

Improved Simplocker variant hits Android users hard

Mobile crypto-ransomware Simplocker has evolved, and returning the encrypted files to their unencrypted state is no longer easy as it was. First spotted in June 2014, …

Google Play flaw opens Android devices to silent malware installation

Android users are in danger of getting malicious apps silently installed on their devices by attackers, warns Rapid7’s Tod Beardsley, technical lead for the Metasploit …

Majority of dating apps are open to hacks

IBM Security found that over 60% of leading Android dating mobile apps they studied are potentially vulnerable to a variety of cyber-attacks that put personal user information …

Why Google won’t be updating pre-KitKat WebKit anymore

Two weeks ago, Rapid 7 researchers discovered that Google will no longer be providing security patches for WebView used in pre-KitKat (v4.4) Android versions, meaning that …

Android Wi-Fi Direct DoS vulnerability discovered

Some Android devices are affected by a Denial of Service attack when scanning for WiFi Direct devices, according to Andres Blanco from the CoreLabs Team. An attacker could …

11% of Android banking and finance apps are dangerous

RiskIQ found that more than 40,000 of the 350,000 apps which reference banking in the world’s top 90 app stores contain malware or suspicious binaries. Meanwhile, of …

Over 930M Android users in danger as Google stops delivering critical patches

Nearly a billion of Android users – over half of the total number of worldwide users – are in danger of being targeted by cyber attackers exploiting …

Pre-loaded malware on new Android phones is on the rise

The danger of having your Android handset come preloaded with malware is rising, especially if you live in Asia and Africa and are on the market for a cheap, low-level phone. …

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