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Adobe patches Flash vulnerabilities

Critical vulnerabilities have been identified in Adobe Flash Player and earlier versions for Windows, Macintosh, Linux, and Solaris, and Adobe Flash Player …

New 0-day flaw in Flash Player exploited in the wild?

Bad news just keep piling on Adobe – it looks like there is a new zero-day vulnerability in their Flash Player that is being exploited in the wild. Its existence is …

Adobe patches InDesign

An important library-loading vulnerability has been identified in Adobe InDesign CS5 7.0.2 and earlier, InDesign Server CS5 7.0.2 and earlier, and InCopy CS5 7.0.2 and …

Bogus Adobe employees sell fake PDF program

A series of e-mails purportedly sent by Adobe Acrobat Reader Support employees in which the users are urged to activate their “new Adobe PDF Reader” have been …

Adobe to release more secure PDF reader

Adobe is announcing the new Acrobat X Family of Products which includes Adobe Reader X as well as Acrobat X Suite, Acrobat X Pro, and Acrobat X Standard. Reader X is the only …

Adobe patches Reader and Acrobat

Critical vulnerabilities have been identified in Adobe Reader 9.3.2 (and earlier versions) for Windows, Macintosh and UNIX, Adobe Acrobat 9.3.2 (and earlier versions) for …

Adobe patches Flash Media Server

Critical vulnerabilities have been identified in Adobe Flash Media Server (FMS) 3.5.2 and earlier versions. The vulnerabilities could allow an attacker, who successfully …

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