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Fake Adobe “licence key delivery” emails carry malware

A clever malware distribution campaign is currently doing rounds, taking the form of emails purportedly delivering licence keys for a number of Adobe’s software …

Lessons learned from Anonymous and Operation Last Resort

Activists that have links to Anonymous were able to gain access to U.S. government computers through a software flaw on the outdated Adobe ColdFusion platform. This left many …

Adobe’s poor password security forces Facebook to block accounts

The recent Guinness-world-record-sized breach at Adobe is poised to cause many problems for the users whose login information was compromised. It wouldn’t be that great …

Photoshop source code stolen, 38M users affected in Adobe hack

Remember the successful attack against Adobe’s networks made public earlier this month? Well, as it turns out, the damage is larger than initially thought. Early results …

Reactions from the security community to the Adobe breach

Hackers have breached Adobe’s network and have made off with personal, account, and encrypted financial information of nearly 3 million Adobe customers, as well as the …

Adobe updates app for e-signing documents

Adobe updated the Adobe EchoSign e-signing offering with an updated offline iOS app and other new features to enhance mobility and usability for e-signing contracts, …

Adobe patches Flash again, but not the flaws exploited at Pwn2Own

As promised last year, Adobe has been issuing its scheduled Flash updates on the second Tuesday of each month – the same day that Microsoft chose for its monthly Patch …

Adobe patches Acrobat and Reader, Mozilla debuts Firefox built-in PDF viewer

Adobe has pushed out the announced update for Acrobat and Reader that patches the two vulnerabilities that were recently exploited in attacks in the wild. But, the popularity …

Adobe offers mitigation for Reader 0-day attack, fix is yet to come

Adobe has confirmed FireEye researchers’ findings about new Adobe Reader and Acrobat zero-day vulnerabilities being exploited in the wild and has issued a security …

Adobe Reader zero-day exploit spotted in the wild

Researchers form security firm FireEye have found in the wild a PDF file that exploits a new zero-day vulnerability in Adobe Reader. “Upon successful exploitation, it …

Windows and OS X users under attack, update Flash now!

Adobe has pushed out an emergency Flash update that solves two critical vulnerabilities (CVE-2013-0633 and CVE-2013-0634) that are being actively exploited to target Windows …

How the security threat landscape will evolve this year

Where 2012 was a period of great innovation amongst cybercriminals and hackers – many of whom keenly develop new and hybridized attack vectors that build on a constantly …

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