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How to choose secure, verifiable technologies?
The Australian Signals Directorate’s Australian Cyber Security Centre (ASD’s ACSC) has published a guidance document titled Choosing Secure and Verifiable Technologies, …

How LockBit used Citrix Bleed to breach Boeing and other targets
CVE-2023-4966, aka “Citrix Bleed”, has been exploited by LockBit 3.0 affiliates to breach Boeing’s parts and distribution business, and “other trusted …

Top 12 vulnerabilities routinely exploited in 2022
Cybersecurity agencies from member countries of the Five Eyes intelligence alliance have released a list of the top 12 vulnerabilities routinely exploited in 2022, plus 30 …

SimSpace collaborates with ACSC to provide cyber range exercises for organizations
SimSpace announced that the company is partnering with the Advanced Cyber Security Center (ACSC), New England’s non-profit committed to advancing collaborative defense for its …