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SASE or zero trust? Why security teams should be using both

As companies continue to navigate increasingly distributed environments, the question of zero trust is coming up more and more – as is the relationship between this …

Hybrid IAM: Addressing the security and experience issues caused by hybrid IT

More than 80% of global IT decision-makers have already adopted, or plan to adopt or expand, cloud-based identity and access management (IAM) initiatives over the next two …

zero trust
The importance of a zero trust-based approach to identity security

97 percent of senior security executives say attackers are increasingly trying to steal one or more types of credentials, a CyberArk survey reveals. As organizations move …

As DX acceleration continues, identity and zero trust need to be central in all business decisions

The pandemic-driven shift to remote work has significantly changed how companies are investing in identity and access management capabilities and zero trust security, …

A great deal of employees have inappropriate access to sensitive data

The onset of COVID-19 and resulting distributed workforce have introduced new and complex challenges for businesses, with 45% of IT decision-makers reporting increased …

32% of enterprises experienced unauthorized access to cloud resources

A new report conducted by Dimensional Research revealed that 32% of enterprises experienced unauthorized access to cloud resources, and another 19% were unaware if …

work from home
Enterprises observing uptick in risky behaviors since shift to remote work

Tanium released a report to evaluate the primary IT operations and security challenges organizations have faced amid the large-scale shift to remote work in the COVID-19 era, …

PAM solution
How do I select a PAM solution for my business?

In order for organizations to prevent becoming the next victim of a breach due to unauthorized third-party user access, as has happened in prominent recent breaches, a strong …

Zero trust: A solution to many cybersecurity problems

The SolarWinds hack and the never-ending stream of revelations about the attackers’ tools, techniques and other targets has been occupying the minds of CISOs and …

Migration delays prevent AD-centric zero trust security framework adoption

37 percent of IT professionals rated rapid changes in their AD/AAD environment as the key impact of COVID-19 on their organization’s identity management team, a One Identity …

remote work
Top digital security worries when it comes to remote employees

26% of remote workers have experienced a cyber attack personally, while 45% of employers have asked their employees to use their personal devices for work since the start of …

The AI in cybersecurity market to generate $101.8 billion in 2030

The AI in cybersecurity market is projected to generate a revenue of $101.8 billion in 2030, increasing from $8.6 billion in 2019, progressing at a 25.7% CAGR during …

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