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1 in 4 organizations have experienced an APT

A new ISACA study found that more than one in four (28%) have already experienced an APT attack.The study found that mobile device security continues to lag at many …

Do attribution and motives matter?

Whenever people think of APTs and targeted attacks, people ask: who did it? What did they want? While those questions may well be of some interest, we think it is much more …

Previously unknown Moker RAT is the latest APT threat

“Researchers over at cybersecurity company enSilo have discovered a novel, powerful and persistent type of malware plaguing the network of one of their customers. This …

Attackers take over org’s OWA server, harvest domain credentials with malicious DLL

Researchers from cyber attack detection and response outfit Cybereason have discovered a novel APT technique that was used by attackers to gain persistence in an (unnamed) …

Carbanak APT still targeting high-value financial institutions and casinos

The Anunak / Carbanak hacking group continues to target banks, but has also now hitting Forex-trading companies, casinos, and other institutions from which it can steal large …

Cyber crooks opt for APT method for delivering malware

“Delivering malware without it being flagged by users and security solutions is one of the biggest challenges malware peddlers face. Luckily for them, if they …

Darkhotel spying crew boosts attacks with Hacking Team exploit

Kaspersky Lab has discovered that the Darkhotel group, an elite spying crew uncovered by its experts in 2014 and famous for infiltrating Wi-Fi networks in luxury hotels to …

Chinese APTs use commercial VPN to hide their attack activity

A number of APT actors believed to be of Chinese origin are using a commercial VPN service to anonymize and obfuscate their attack activity.Dubbed Terracotta, the VPN service …

Sophisticated, successful Morpho APT group is after corporate data

Two reports published on Wednesday by Symantec and Kaspersky Lab detail the recent attacks executed by an unusual APT group they have dubbed Morpho and Wild Neutron.The group …

Flash Player 0-day exploited in the wild, patch immediately!

Adobe has released an emergency patch for its notoriously buggy Flash Player software because attackers are actively exploiting a critical vulnerability that can lead to total …

DDoS attacks now resemble APTs

DDoS attacks are beginning to resemble advanced persistent threats, evidenced by long durations, repetition and changing attack vectors aimed at evading simple, …

Kaspersky Lab reveals cyberattack on its corporate network

“In early spring 2015, Kaspersky Lab detected a cyber-intrusion affecting several of its internal systems. Following this finding the company launched an intensive …

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