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IE zero-day used in targeted watering hole attacks

News that an Internet Explorer zero-day vulnerability was being and has been for quite some time been used in a new “watering hole” attack has livened the …

Video: Smart TV 0-day vulnerability

This video by ReVuln demonstrates a 0-day vulnerability in Smart TV, in this case a Samsung TV LED 3D. Smart TV can be used to browse the Internet, use social networks, …

Info about 0-day SCADA flaws offered for sale

Following in the footsteps of French Vupen Security, Malta-based start-up ReVuln has also decided to sell information about zero-day vulnerabilities to companies and …

Adobe Reader 0-day exploit sold for $50,000

The good news is that the exploit costs $50,000 which limits the purchase of it to defense contractors, nation states and some criminal organizations that may be able to …

Video demonstration: New Adobe Reader zero-day exploit

Russian based security company Group-IB announced a new zero day vulnerability in Adobe Reader 10 and 11. According to their research, the exploit bypasses Reader’s …

Windows 8 exploit combining several 0-days already up for sale

Less that a week after Microsoft released is long awaited Windows 8, with new and improved security features, French bug hunters VUPEN Security have announced that they have …

Researchers deliver fix for Java 0-day to Oracle

Polish firm Security Explorations and its CEO Adam Gowdiak continue to be the a thorn in Oracle’s side by repeatedly questioning the giant’s decision not to issue …

“Watering hole” sites crucial to new cyber espionage campaign

RSA’s newly dubbed FirstWatch research team has recently presented their findings on a “water holing” campaign that they first spotted back in July. The …

Microsoft patches IE zero-day and Flash flaws in IE 10

Microsoft has delivered on its promise and has issued a security update for Internet Explorer to address the zero-day memory-corruption vulnerability in versions 9 and earlier …

Microsoft offers Fix it for IE zero-day, announces security update

Microsoft has released the Fix it solution for the IE zero-day memory-corruption vulnerability that is currently being exploited in attacks, and has promised a security update …

Microsoft promises fast fix for IE zero-day as new attacks are discovered

The problem of the remotely-exploitable IE zero-day memory-corruption vulnerability that is being misused in current attacks has reached a critical enough level for Microsoft …

Microsoft issues workaround for IE 0-day exploited in current attacks

Microsoft has issued a security advisory with advice on how to patch a Internet Explorer zero-day vulnerability recently spotted being exploited in the wild by attackers that …

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