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February 2020 Patch Tuesday: Microsoft fixes 99 vulnerabilities, Adobe 42

February 2020 Patch Tuesday is here. To mark the occasion, Microsoft has released fixes for 99 vulnerabilities – 12 critical, one of which is being exploited in the wild …

12,000+ Jenkins servers can be exploited to launch, amplify DDoS attacks

A vulnerability (CVE-2020-2100) in 12,000+ internet-facing Jenkins servers can be abused to mount and amplify reflective DDoS attacks against internet hosts, Radware …

Ransomware uses vulnerable, signed driver to disable endpoint security

Ransomware-wielding attackers have devised a novel tactic for disabling security protections that might get in their way: they are using a deprecated, vulnerable but signed …

Shadow IT accounts with weak passwords endanger organizations

63% of enterprise professionals have created at least one account without their IT department being aware of it, and two-thirds of those have created two or more, the results …

Phishers impersonate WHO, exploit coronavirus-related anxiety

Media outlets are reporting daily on the coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan and the emergency repatriation of foreign citizens that found themselves in the thick of it. As cases of …

Emotet can spread to poorly secured Wi-Fi networks and computers on them

Here’s yet another reason to secure Wi-Fi networks and Windows user accounts with a strong enough password: researchers have spotted and analyzed a malware program that …

Honware: IoT honeypot for detecting zero-day exploits

Two researchers have created a solution that could help security researchers and IoT manufacturers with detecting zero-day exploits targeting internet-connected devices more …

Which vulnerabilities were most exploited by cybercriminals in 2019?

Which ten software vulnerabilities should you patch as soon as possible (if you haven’t already)? Table of top exploited CVEs between 2016 and 2019 (repeats are noted by …

CDPwn vulnerabilities open millions of Cisco enterprise devices to attack

If you have Cisco equipment in your enterprise network – and chances are good that you have – you should check immediately which feature the newly revealed CDPwn …

AutomationDirect C-more Touch Panels
Touch panels deployed in critical infrastructure vulnerable to remote attacks

Manufacturing facilities and processing centers using AutomationDirect C-more Touch Panels are advised to upgrade their firmware ASAP, as older versions contain a high-risk …

HECVAT toolkit helps higher education institutions assess cloud adoption risks

Higher education institutions are increasingly adopting cloud-based solutions in order to lower costs, improve performance and productivity, and increase flexibility and …

industry danger
New ransomware targets industrial control systems

With the ransomware threat is surging unstoppably in the last few years, it was just a matter of time until ICS-specific ransomware became a reality. Researchers from various …

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