Zeljka Zorz

Securing the connected home: A joint task for homeowners and their ISP
As COVID-19 spread over the world and nations and businesses adapted to minimize citizens’ and employees’ personal interactions to help contain the infection, a …

Cybersecurity sales: Do you have what it takes to succeed?
Technology is at the heart of the world economy, and we’re moving into a new age of business where its technology – not people – is becoming the differentiator, …

Sealed U.S. court records possibly accessed by SolarWinds attackers
The Administrative Office (AO) of the U.S. Courts has revealed on Wednesday that it is investigating whether sealed U.S. court records had been accessed by the SolarWinds …

We got used to SMS notifications and phishers are capitalizing on it
A rising onslaught of phishing messages delivered via SMS (aka “smishing”) has been hitting mobile users around the world in the last few months. The fake messages …

Script for detecting vulnerable TCP/IP stacks released
Just as ICS-CERT published a new advisory detailing four new vulnerabilities in the Treck TCP/IP stack, Forescout released an open-source tool for detecting whether a network …

Microsoft was also a victim of the SolarWinds supply chain hack
Microsoft has confirmed that it, too, is among the companies who have downloaded the compromised SolarWinds Orion updates, but that they have isolated and removed them. …

SolarWinds hackers’ capabilities include bypassing MFA
As the list of known organizations compromised by way of the SolarWinds supply chain attack is slowly growing – according to Reuters, the attackers also breached U.S. …

Hackers breached U.S. government agencies via compromised SolarWinds Orion software
A “highly sophisticated” hacking group has breached the U.S. Treasury Department, the U.S. Department of Commerce’s National Telecommunications and …

Cisco re-patches wormable Jabber RCE flaw
In September 2020, Cisco patched four Jabber vulnerabilities (including one wormable RCE flaw), but as it turns out, three of four have not been sufficiently mitigated. The …

Ad-injecting malware hijacks Chrome, Edge, Firefox
When searching for things online, has a greater number of ads than usual been popping up at the top of your search results? If it has, and you’re using Microsoft Edge, …

Phishers bypass Microsoft 365 security controls by spoofing Microsoft.com
A domain spoofing email phishing campaign that very convincingly impersonates Microsoft and successfully tricks legacy secure email gateways has recently been spotted by …

FireEye breach: State-sponsored attackers stole hacking tools
U.S. cybersecurity company FireEye has suffered a breach, and the attackers made off with the company’s RedTeam tools, FireEye CEO Kevin Mandia has disclosed on Tuesday. …