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Fake eBay “payment request” e-mails lead to malware

E-mails purporting to contain a payment request from eBay are hitting inboxes around the world: The message contains no text – just an attached .html file. If the file …

Latest ZeuS version comes in two flavors

There is a new version of ZeuS/Zbot bot out there. While previous versions were designed to indiscriminately target financial institutions around the world, this one …

Scammers targeting families of U.S. soldiers in Iraq

If you receive an email or a Facebook message (apparently) coming from Ray Odierno, Commanding General of the United States Forces in Iraq, offering to get your loved one out …

Big ISPs challenge the U.K. Digital Economy Act

The UK Digital Economy Act is supposed to usher Britain into the digital age. Despite having many opponents (certain MPs, law enforcement agents, ISPs, companies like Google …

When identity theft is not your fault

Not a month goes by that we don’t hear of a theft of a laptop, external hard drive, USB stick or CD belonging to a company and containing sensitive personal information …

U.S. Senator’s email hacked and used to sent out scam emails

The Yahoo email account of Bob Dvorsky, Iowa State Senator, has been compromised by unknown individuals who used it to send a variation of the “friend in need” …

Perfect Citizen: U.S. infrastructure protection against cyber attacks

“Perfect Citizen” is the code name for a new government-sponsored program aimed at detecting cyber attacks targeting private and government agencies that run the …

Reversible watermarking proves digital image authenticity

Knowing whether a digital photo has been altered is sometimes of vital importance. Being able to confirm that the picture is authentic and that it, indeed, comes from the …

The Pirate Bay hacked, user information exposed

It’s one problem after another for the (in)famous file-sharing Web site. Dogged by the music and movie industry, its founders are defending themselves and their creation …

Manhunt for murderer prompts poisoned image search results

Six days ago, an Englishman named Raoul Moat shot his ex-girlfriend, her new boyfriend and a police officer. The UK police has instigated a manhunt that has, so far, failed to …

Fake car tax adjustment information leads to malware

A wave of spam emails containing a malicious attachment is targeting car owners. The subject line professes the email to be a heads-up about changes regarding the tax one must …

Community support for Tavis Ormandy, security researcher

The highly-publicized disclosure of a 0-day Microsoft vulnerability by Tavis Ormandy has divided security researchers. While some deem his action irresponsible, others support …

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