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Playstation emulator installs malware

Playing again the games you used to amuse yourself with for hours some years ago could bring a smile to your face, but it could also get your computer infected. Searching for …

Exploit for IE 0-day flaw published, patch still unavailable

An Israeli hacker has created an exploit for the IE zero-day flaw that Microsoft warned about on Tuesday, and the code is already being inserted into the Metasploit Framework. …

Targeted attacks exploiting PDF bugs are soaring

Adobe is having a hard time fighting its bad reputation when it comes to products riddled with vulnerabilities. Adobe Reader exploits seem the weapon of choice of many a cyber …

Basic security measures do wonders

Deep down inside, we all wish for a unique solution that will protect our machine or our network completely forever and ever, preferably one that can be activated with a …

Twitter tackles phishing problem

In a bid to obstruct the phishing onslaught that has lately been targeting its users, Twitter has announced that it will rout the submitted direct messages through a new URL …

Online banking rip-offs go up, card fraud goes down

Losses due to credit and debit card fraud have fallen for the first time in 3 years, says the UK Cards Association, only to be supplanted by a rising incidence of phishing …

And the winner is – FakeAV!

Taking advantage of the Oscar fever, criminals have poisoned search results regarding the award ceremony. Entering “oscar winners live 2010” you get this: …

UK threatens to retaliate over cyber attacks

Rapidly approaching the point when retaliation against countries suspected of launching cyber attacks and engaging in cyber espionage will be ordered, the UK …

Log review checklist for security incidents

Anton Chuvakin, the well-known security expert and consultant in the field of log management and PCI DSS compliance and author of many books, and Lenny Zeltser, leader of the …

Mariposa bot distributed by Vodafone’s infected phone

Following yesterday’s news about the Energizer DUO USB recharger that infects PCs with a Trojan, here is another piece of equipment whose software comes bundled with …

Setting up a mobile botnet is alarmingly easy to do

The relative easiness of setting up a mobile botnet of nearly 8,000 phones has been demonstrated by Derek Brown and Daniel Tijerina at this year’s edition of the RSA …

“Highly critical” Opera vulnerability discovered

A highly critical buffer overflow vulnerability affecting the Opera browser has been discovered by Marcin Ressel of Secunia: The vulnerability is caused due to an error when …

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