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Scammers target aspiring games beta testers

Scammers purportedly looking for beta testers for computer games have lately stepped up their efforts, says Sunbelt‘s Christopher Boyd. He has observed two distinct …

Infiltrated SpyEye C&C server provides glimpse into botnet activity

A C&C server controlling a small botnet comprised of computers infected by SpyEye – the information/data stealer Trojan often called “ZeuS Killer” on …

Gmail phishing campaign is under way

Fake notices inviting Gmail users to update their Google account information have lately been hitting inboxes around the world, warns Sunbelt. Purportedly coming from the …

NSA Director says citizens’ privacy will never be compromised

Cybersecurity and citizens’ privacy won’t be mutually exclusive terms for the federal government, vows NSA Director Gen. Keith Alexander. “As the director of …

Facebook survey spam worm spreads like fire

What seems to be a security glitch in the Facebook Platform has been misused by a number of developers to push out links through statuses and private messages. The most …

Twitter XSS vulnerability exploited in the wild

Malicious links leading to the download of a malicious JavaScript payload have been popping up on various Twitter accounts, warns Kaspersky‘s Stefan Tanase. The payload …

TechCrunch Europe hacked, serving malware

TechCrunch Europe has been compromised and its code changed to redirect visitors to a server serving up malicious PDFs. Once downloaded and run, the PDF files exploit a …

Facebook scam: “10 Things Adults Never Tell Their Kids”

Another very effective scam has been spotted coursing through Facebook, aided perhaps by the long Labor Day weekend and people’s wish to unwind and abundance of free …

Google settles Buzz privacy violation lawsuit

When Google Buzz was rolled out in February – without being publicly tested first – all kinds of privacy issues became apparent almost immediately. As the EFF …

Scammers using IM to deliver “IQ Test” spam

An IM variant of the well-known “Solve the IQ test, get your results on you mobile phone” scam has been spotted by a Trend Micro analyst. He received a couple of …

Facebook boosts security by adding remote logout feature

Following the May rollout of the security feature that made it possible for Facebook users to be notified of unapproved account access, the social network announced another …

User’s opinions on malware infections revealed

A recently concluded online survey organized by SC Magazine and Symantec has resulted is some curious and some expected results. When asked to give their opinion on which is …

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