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Rogue SSL certificates issued for Google, Yahoo, Skype

A Comodo affiliate Registration Authority (RA) has been compromised and the incident resulted in the issue of nine rogue SSL certificates for seven popular domains, reported … customers receiving malicious emails, Silverpop blamed

The notification and the warning that sent out to its customers following a breach of systems belonging to the company that handles part of its marketing …

RSA clients to be briefed about the breach

When RSA’s executive chairman Art Coviello issued an open letter acknowledging the fact that the company’s systems had been breached and that the extracted …

Student pleads guilty to installing spyware on school computers

Omar Khan, a 21-year old former student of Tesoro High School in Orange County, California, has plead guilty to charges of having installed spyware on his high school’s …

Malicious app found in Android Market

To infect a mobile device, the Rootcager/DroidDream Trojan used two known exploits: exploid and rageagainstthecage. If the first one failed to root the device, the malware …

Facebook survey scam with a Firefox twist

Facebook survey scammers rarely deviate from the well-beaten path that includes luring the users in with shocking content or promises of seeing who views their profile, making … breach compromises customer names and email addresses, one of the largest online retailers of CDs, DVDs, books and gadgets, has notified its customers of a breach that possibly resulted in their names and email addresses …

34 SCADA vulnerabilities revealed

It is safe to say that the existence of SCADA (supervisory control and data acquisition) systems was a fact unknown to many before the advent of the Stuxnet worm, and not many …

Google blames China for Gmail service disruptions

It seems that the active exploitation of the MHTML vulnerability that Google’s Security Team reported on earlier this month has a lot to do with recent attempts by the …

Outdated law makes wireless hacking acceptable

A ruling handed out earlier this month in The Netherlands set a precedent that will allow the nation’s citizens to “piggyback” on open WiFi networks and to …

Japanese tsunami videos lead to malware

A new Japanese disaster themed campaign is doing the rounds of inboxes. The e-mails supposedly offer links to videos about “The village that escaped the tsunami”, …

Rustock botnet downed by Microsoft

As many security companies and experts noted in the last few days, the activities of the Rustock botnet came to a standstill. They speculated about the reason behind this …

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