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Fake AV for mobile platform detected

Fake antivirus software for Windows crop up daily, but it seems that mobile users will also have to start being on the lookout for such scams. CA researchers have spotted a …

FBI decimates Coreflood botnet, hints at unprecedented actions

Some two weeks have passed since the U.S. Department of Justice and the FBI have been granted by the federal court the permission to substitute the C&C servers of the …

“You’ve got a postcard” spam emails lead to fake AV

Easter has come and passed, but the threat of bogus e-cards is alive as it ever was. This particular method of luring users to malicious pages or to download malicious …

Kingpin: How One Hacker Took Over the Billion-Dollar Cybercrime Underground

If you followed our site over the years, you had the opportunity to read a little about some of the protagonists of this book: Max Vision the creator of CardersMarket, Albert …

Iran claims to have been targeted by second worm

If a statement from Gholam-Reza Jalali – the head of Iran’s Passive Defense Organization – is to be believed, it seems that Iran’s computers have been …

Wardriving gang targeting small firms

A group of individuals who are believed to have been engaged in wardriving around Seattle and stealing personal and financial information from networks belonging to small area …

Carder pleads guilty to hacking and selling stolen card numbers

A carder and hacker that has been arrested in 2009 by the Secret Service for trying to sell 40 stolen card numbers to one of their undercover agents, has pleaded guilty to …

Michigan State Police denies downloading drivers’ phone data

A few days ago, the American Civil Liberties Union of Michigan made public their belief that the Michigan State Police might have been using portable devices that allowed them …

Why do governments have trouble retaining cyber warriors?

It is becoming painfully obvious that the U.S. government and the governments of European countries are having trouble recruiting enough capable “cyber warriors” …

Gold-themed spam fishing for personal information

It is almost a rule of thumb that everything that might interest a large number of people makes for a good lure for spammers and scammers. From news regarding natural …

A closer look at DropDMG

DropDMG (v3.0.6) is a piece of software that helps you create and work with Mac disk images – Apple’s preferred format for distributing Mac software and the only …

Software company Ashampoo breached, customer data stolen

The German computer software company Ashampoo has been targeted by attackers that managed to gain access to its customers database and possibly exfiltrated data such as names …

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