Zeljka Zorz
Nasdaq attackers spied on companies
The systems of the company that operates the Nasdaq Stock Market were breached many times last year, but the actual trading platform was never compromised. A subsequent …
Flash bug allows spying of website visitors through webcam
A slight variation of a previously designed clickjacking attack that used a Adobe Flash vulnerability has once again made it possible for website administrators to …
Which mobile OS is most hit by malware?
As most mobile phone users still don’t have a mobile AV solution installed on their devices, it can be rather hard to gauge just how many of them have been hit by mobile …
Hijacked phishing page warns users about phishing
hen you follow security news daily like I do, it is tough to keep a positive outlook when day after day you hear and read of users falling for basically the same scams simply …
Federal Trojan has more capabilities than previously thought
Ten days ago, the Chaos Computer Club made public a set of worrisome discoveries made by their analysis of the “lawful interception” Trojan used by German law …
Mac Trojan disrupts automatic updating of XProtect
A variant of the recently discovered Flashback Trojan for Mac OS X has acquired the capability to disrupt the automatic updating of XProtect, the operating system’s …
U.S. DHS expects Anonymous to attack infrastructure
Anonymous is eyeing industrial control systems for future attacks, says the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, but its members have yet to demonstrate a capability to …
How to make a cheap mobile malware jail
Analyzing mobile malware without spreading it further can be very difficult to achieve, especially when one wants the malware to behave as it would in the wild. Unlike …
Hardened Android kernel to be used by U.S. Army, government
The U.S. government is looking at replacing radio communication between federal, state and local law enforcement and response agencies with communication with smartphones, and …
Beware of bogus Gmail Hacker software
Hacking into someone’s mail account can be easy if the person chose an easily guessable password, but could be nigh impossible to brute force it if it’s long and …
Engineer jailed for turning PIN Entry Devices into skimmers
A German electronics engineer has been sentenced to three years in a UK prison for having modified a number of PIN Entry Devices to record the information used to clone credit …
Offers from domain resellers evade spam filters
The Internet has created a great amount of business opportunities – most of them legal, some not and some that fall in the gray area between the two extremes. An example …