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Phishing operation organizer sentenced

27-year old Kenneth Joseph Lucas II has been sentenced to 13 years in prison for having organized the phishing operation shut down by the FBI in October 2009. Dubbed Operation …

FBI search for LulzSec hackers leads to Iowa woman

Government and law enforcement agencies’ efforts to discover who is behind the recently disbanded LulzSec have increased as Operation AntiSec still goes strong. And …

EA password reset due to LulzSec hack?

Electronic Arts (EA) customers have been receiving emails from the company notifying them that their passwords have been reset “to ensure account security”. Graham …

Bitcoin-mining Trojan spotted

Bitcoin has received lately a lot of attention from users and from the media, so it’s no wonder that cyber criminals have also figured out ways to take advantage of its …

Solution for Popureb rootkit infection

Bootkits are kernel-mode rootkit variants that hide in the computer’s master boot record (MBR) and are notoriously difficult to spot and, sometimes, to eradicate. …

Hackers publish stolen PayPal login credentials

LulzSec has been assimilated back into Anonymous, but their AntiSec campaign keeps going. It seems that their final wish has been granted for now, and other hacking groups …

Thousands of Tumblr accounts compromised

Tumblr users have been targeted with an aggressive phishing campaign in the last week or so and are still being lured into entering their login credentials for access to adult …

Spammers push cloned apps on Android Market

No stone is left unturned, no option unexplored when it comes to online spamming, and the latest approach has shown that malware authors are not the only ones who have taken …

LulzSec ends 50 days hacking streak, says goodbye

The LulzSec “boat” has sailed into the sunset after 50 days of “disrupting and exposing corporations, governments, often the general population itself, and …

AT&T hacker pleads guilty

Despite predictions that the two Goatse Security members arrested for the AT&T breach will likely plead not guilty to the charges of identity theft and conspiracy to …

Travelodge UK confirms customer database breach

Budget hotel chain Travelodge UK sent its customers an email confirming that their customer database has been accessed by unauthorized individuals and that the collected email …

Chrome extension for identifying insecure code

In a bid to help developers keep their websites clear of security holes, Google has built – and offered for free – a (currently experimental) Chrome extension …

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