Zeljka Zorz
Facebook and Twitter users targeted with same scam
A Starbucks-themed scam has been spotted targeting users of both Facebook and Twitter users and it does so not via messages sent from compromised accounts, but through spam …
38,000 emails from U.S. special agent leaked by Anonymous
Law enforcement officers and white hats working for the government or for private companies contracted by the government are among the favorite targets of hacking collective …
Yet another Trojan based on Spitmo source code surfaces
Even though nearly all new mobile malware in Q3 was aimed at Android phones, users with mobile devices running other mobile platforms are far from safe. F-Secure researchers …
Hackers destroy pump in U.S. water utility attack
Hackers attacking SCADA systems and wreaking havoc in a nation’s critical infrastructure has become a justified concern for all countries. But, setting aside Iran and …
Backdoor Trojan pushed via versatile Facebook campaign
Thanks to its social nature, Facebook is one of the preferred tools of cyber crooks looking to scam users and peddle malware. Microsoft recently spotted a considerably …
DevilRobber Trojan returns, masquerades as PixelMator
DevilRobber, the latest Trojan to target Mac users, got updated. As you may remember, the previous incarnation stole Bitcoins from the user’s wallet file, used the …
Hearing on draconian new U.S. piracy legislation is under way
Today’s the day of the long awaited House Judiciary Committee’s hearing on the Stop Online Privacy Act (SOPA) and, as the Electronic Frontier Foundation claims, …
Facebook trims response to data requests
After the possibility to request data from Facebook under European data privacy laws became common knowledge, Europeans began inundating the social networks with requests. …
The Basics of Hacking and Penetration Testing
Have you always wondered about how penetration testing is performed, but never had the opportunity to ask a professional about it or to witness him (or her) at work? If that's …
Hacker breached, changed grades in university academic record system
Santa Clara University, a private university run by the Jesuits and located in the Silicon Valley, has issued a statement confirming that it has called the FBI to investigate …
Windows 8 to do away with constant restarts after updating
I don’t know a single Windows user who isn’t annoyed at the number of times the operating system requires a restart, and especially annoyed when the request …
Hiding messages in VoIP packets
A group of researchers from the Institute of Telecommunications of the Warsaw University of Technology have devised a relatively simple way of hiding information within VoIP …