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Photobucket app helps catch a thief

Photobucket’s mobile app has played an unexpected role in the catching of a purse-snatching thief in California. The app, set to automatically upload the pictures taken …

Facebook revamps its Privacy Settings

Facebook’s Privacy Settings have long been a thorn in privacy advocates’ side. They deemed it to complex for a typical user to understand, and have often decried …

Yale confirms 10-month-long data breach

Names and Social Security numbers of some 43,000 people that were affiliated with Yale University back in 1999 have been accessible to users of the Google search engine for …

Fake Facebook friend request email leads to malware

Facebook users are once again being targeted with fake emails purportedly coming from the social network, alerting them to a friend request. A click on the offered …

Skype XSS vulnerability allows malicious code injection?

According to a German researcher, a XSS bug in the latest ( Skype version for Windows could allow attackers to inject malicious code into users’ phone sessions …

Critical bug found in latest PHP release, users advised against updating

PHP users are advised against upgrading to the latest (5.3.7) release of the scripting language because a critical flaw has been spotted only a day before its release. The bug …

WikiLeaks defector destroyed 3,500+ unpublished files

It seems that the long awaited WikiLeaks leak containing documents regarding Bank of America will not be happening in the near or possibly not in any kind of future, since the …

Nokia Developer forum hacked

The Nokia Developer forum has been hacked and its main page modified to redirect to another page where the individual behind the hack left his mark: The forum is now back in …

Facebook hacker released on bail

The extent of the attacks mounted by 25-year-old British student Glenn Steven Mangham against Facebook’s servers has been revealed as the Westminster magistrates’ …

Chinese mobile phone monitoring service found

What do you think cyber crooks do with the information collected from mobile phones by malware? Trend Micro has one of the answers to that question. Its researchers have …

Google+ introduces verified accounts

Google is adding another feature that should guarantee that a Google+ profile corresponds with the actual real-life identity of a user. “We’re starting to roll out …

Facebook releases official Security Guide

Tired of having to explain to friends and family about the dangers lurking on Facebook? The social network has released an official Guide to Facebook Security, so share the …

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