Zeljka Zorz
Windows Phone 7.5 bug disables messaging option
A bug in the recently released Windows Phone 7.5 mobile OS can be exploited to make people’s phones lose the ability to send messages by cutting access to the messaging …
12 hacking groups are behind most Chinese cyber attacks
Eastern European and Russian hackers mostly steal financial information, while Chinese ones are mainly after intellectual propriety or other sensitive data, say security …
Nitro attackers still at it, mock Symantec
Back at the beginning of November, Symantec researchers made public a report they compiled on a spear phishing campaign carrying a backdoor Trojan that was systematically …
Sykipot Trojan takes advantage of Adobe Reader zero-day flaw
AlienVault Labs researchers have unearthed a piece of malware that takes advantage of the recently discovered zero-day Adobe Reader flaw used for attacking defense …
iPad 2 and $1,000 gift cards offered by scammers
Typosquatting is often-used tool by online scammers who try to take advantage of users looking for legitimate pages, and a recently spotted spam campaign is employing that …
Card info of 1m Restaurant Depot customers stolen in breach
Customers of US foodservice wholesaler Restaurant Depot and “cash and carry” chain Jetro have begun receiving letters warning them about the possibility of their …
Chrome is the most secure browser, claims new study
Microsoft’s Internet Explorer does a better job protecting systems from attackers who already have gained some degree of access than Mozilla’s Firefox, and …
Spam campaign bypasses Gmail filters, employs Google Docs
Every now and then, online crooks and spammers use Google Docs to host phishing forms or documents with embedded malicious links. One such spam campaign is currently …
Premium SMS fraudulent apps target European users
European mobile phone users should be on the lookout for premium SMS toll fraud apps as a great number of them has been lately discovered on file sharing sites, third-party …
Personal info of US law enforcement agents published following hack
The official website (Clearusa.org) of the Coalition of Law Enforcement and Retail has been attacked by a hacker that goes by the handle of “Exphin1ty” who claims …
SMS Privato Spy: Another piece of bogus software for sale
Every so often, a new piece of non-existent software gets advertised by scammers that are eager to part users with their hard earned cash. The latest one to be spotted is …
Six arrested for phishing scam targeting students
Four men and two women suspected of having taken part in a sophisticated phishing scam that targeted hundreds of UK students were arrested by the Met’s Police Central …