Zeljka Zorz
Stuxnet and Duqu created on same platform, say researchers
Stuxnet and Duqu have made quite an impact on the security community when they were discovered, and are still considered to be two of the most sophisticated pieces of malware …
Fake Amazon smartphone shipping confirmation leads to malware
The gift-giving holidays are almost over, but shopping online is an all-year-round activity for many users and they are often warned to be careful when indulging in it. …
Brute-forcing wireless access points made easy
A design flaw in the WiFi Protected Setup that can allow attackers to easily brute-force their way into wireless network devices has been discovered and made public by …
Beware of password-protected documents carrying malware
Password-protected malicious attachments delivered via email are not a new occurrence – we have recently witnesses the tactic being used in the so-called Nitro attacks. …
Data-stealing Android Trojan masquerades as greeting-sending app
Text messages have largely replaced seasonal (and non) greeting cards, and there are mobile apps out there that let you send prewritten witty/sweet messages to friends and …
Pentagon officials allowed to use Android
US Department of Defense officials that need a mobile device are no longer restricted to using a BlackBerry, reports Muktware. The Pentagon has now also allowed the use of …
Anonymous targets security think tank, pilfers sensitive data
The hacking collective Anonymous has downed the website and stolen client information belonging to Stratfor (Strategic Forecasting Inc.), a US-based research group that …
Ditching Java might be a good move
As unpatched Java vulnerabilities are frequently taken advantage by exploit kits and users often forget to update Java, F-Secure’s Mikko Hypponen says that maybe …
Researcher blasts Siemens for lying about SIMATIC bugs
The contentious issue of responsible and coordinated vulnerability disclosure has been revisited again as security researcher Billy Rios reacted to a statement made by Siemens …
Chinese hackers infiltrated US Chamber of Commerce
The computer systems of the US Chamber of Commerce, a lobbying group that represents the interest of US businesses and trade organizations, have been infiltrated by hackers. …
Fake eBay pages offering iPhone 4S for half the price
As more and more people take advantage of the option of buying things online, and especially during the holiday season, cyber crooks continually devise new schemes to trick …
Anonymous aims to make US Senators accountable for their votes
A group of Anonymous-affiliated hackers has made public a considerable amount of detailed personal information of the majority of the 86 US Senators that voted for the …