Zeljka Zorz
Metasploit: The Penetration Tester’s Guide
Metasploit Framework (MF), the open source tool for launching exploits against remote machines, is a well-loved instrument that allows penetration testers to automate routine …
How much does a 0-day vulnerability cost?
The market for exploits for zero-day vulnerabilities has exploded in the last year, says Adriel Desautels, the founder of Netragard, a penetration testing and vulnerability …
Fake eBay identity confirmation message hitting inboxes
Ebay users are once again targeted with fake notifications asking them to “confirm their identity”. “Dear eBay Community Member, You’re signing in from …
Facebook users targeted with account-hijacking Chrome extensions
With the steady rise in popularity of both Facebook and Google’s Chrome browser, cyber scammers have turned to targeting users of both. According to Kaspersky Lab expert …
Facebook set to change its privacy policy again
On March 15, Facebook published a draft of the changes that it plans to make to its Statement of Rights and Responsibilities, and asked users to comment on them. Among the …
Flash-based rogue AV targets users
The business of pushing rogue AV software onto unsuspecting users is quite lucrative, so it’s no wonder that cyber crooks are still doing it. But while most of the time …
Megaupload users targeted with extortion scheme
The recent shutdown of the Megaupload file hosting service by the US authorities is being actively exploited by cyber crooks who are attempting to extort money from the …
Call center employees are selling user information
Indian call center employees sell confidential data belonging to users for as little as $0.03, reports the Daily Mail. According to the news outlet, reporters from The Sunday …
The sorry state of web-based single sign-on services
Web-based single sign-on services are becoming increasingly popular, as they offer a better and simpler user experience. But are they secure? The question was asked by team of …
Mozilla testing default Google search encryption in Firefox
Firefox users should soon have encryption turned on by default when searching for things online via the built-in Google search engine, Mozilla confirmed. The change has been …
A peek in the world of vulnerability sellers
As you probably already know, this year’s edition of Pwn2Own wasn’t the only hacking contest at the CanSecWest conference held earlier this month. Pwn2Own rules …
Google educates Gmail users on spam
Educating computer users about security is something that every online service should consider doing, and I’m glad to see that Google has started explaining why its …
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- Building cyber resilience in banking: Expert insights on strategy, risk, and regulation
- CISO vs. CIO: Where security and IT leadership clash (and how to fix it)
- Why a push for encryption backdoors is a global security risk
- Innovation vs. security: Managing shadow AI risks
- Commix: Open-source OS command injection exploitation tool