Zeljka Zorz
Blackhole exploit kit got upgraded
Phoenix and Blackhole are the most popular and widely used exploit kits because their creators are always tinkering with them and pushing out update and improved attack …
Fake “Tax Refund” emails targeting UK citizens
The UK tax season came to an end in April, and notifications about tax returns have begun slowly trickling down to the country’s citizens. But unfortunately among those …
Fake Red Cross emails link to private PayPal account
A rather generic but well-crafted fake American Red Cross email has recently been hitting inboxes around the world and asking recipients for donations: As the offered link can …
Malicious emails target Uyghur activists, deliver backdoors
Highly targeted emails carrying a backdoor Trojan are currently directed at Uyghur activists, warn Kaspersky Lab and Alien Vault researchers. The former spotted emails …
Fake e-ticket from Delta leads to multiple infections
Bogus emails supposedly coming from Delta Airlines and delivering an e-ticket in the attachment have recently been targeting users around the world: The message instructs the …
Massive crime ring automates bank fraud, steals tens of millions
Two-factor authentication schemes have definitely been proven to be ineffectual as news of a massive global financial services fraud campaign that targeted well-moneyed …
Fake “confirm PayPal account” emails lead to phishing
An extremely legitimate looking email supposedly coming from PayPal has been hitting inboxes in the last few days, trying to trick customers of the popular e-payment giant to …
“Wire transfer confirmation” emails deliver malware
“Wire transfer confirmation” spam emails are nothing new – they’ve been regularly turning up in users’ inboxes throughout the years. But, as much …
Researchers break RSA SecurID 800 token in 13 minutes
An international team of scientists that goes by the name of “Team Prosecco” claims to have devised attacks that manage to extract the secret cryptographic key …
Ransomware appropriates security company logo
Ransomware is still targeting users all over Europe and, as per usual, it shows warnings seemingly coming from police agencies of the country in which the victim resides …
OS X Mountain Lion will include automatic security updating
Apple’s OS X Mountain Lion (version 10.8) is due to be released next month, and its latest Developer Preview shows a new addition meant to keep its users secure: the …
US federal commission breach endangers employees
Employees of the US Commodity Futures Trading Commission – an independent agency of the United States government that regulates futures and option markets – have …