Zeljka Zorz
New ransomware threatens with police report
A new strain of ransomware demands 3000 Euros for not sending a report to the police about the users’ alleged predilection for child pornography. The malware in question …
“Dalai Lama’s birthday plan” email leads to backdoor
Today marks the current Dalai Lama’s 77th birthday – an occasion that served as a perfect ploy to make his supporters unknowingly install a backdoor on their …
Phonebook-slurping, spam-sending app found in App Store
A malicious app that slurps mobile users’ phonebooks and uploads them to a remote server has been spotted being offered both on Google Play and Apple’s App Store. …
“$50,000 Facebook reward” leads to surveys and other scams
If you receive an email or a message on your Facebook account purportedly sent by the social network and telling you that you have won $50,000, ignore it completely and delete …
Researchers develop Android clickjacking rootkit
A group of researchers from North Carolina State University have managed to create a proof-of-concept rootkit for the Android OS that is able to hijack the clicks made by the …
European Parliament rejects ACTA
Following recent recommendations by a number of European committees, the infamous Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement has been shot down today by the European Parliament in …
Cisco backpedals on forced use of its Connect Cloud
With a move that angered many of its customers, Cisco has pushed out an automatic firmware update for its EA4500, EA3500 and EA2700 Linksys routers and has effectively forced …
Citadel crimeware kit to be pulled off the open market
The developers of the Citadel malware – a banking Trojan that is based on Zeus Trojan’s source code and whose creators have adopted a Software-as-a-Service …
Microsoft names alleged Zeus bot herders
When Microsoft disrupted two of the most harmful botnets using Zeus malware in March, they also filed a lawsuit at the federal district court in New York against the bot …
Facebook API bug deletes contact info on users’ phones
If you thought that Facebook’s recent unannounced change of its users’ email address tied with their account to Facebook ones was bad, you’ll be livid if you …
SMS Trojan masquerades as Firefox for Android
Android users who have a preference for Russian third-party online Android markets should be on the lookout for a malware posing as the Firefox browser. The developers of this …
Malicious “Windows Live alert” email targets users
Windows Live account owners are currently being targeted with an email purportedly coming from the Hotmail Security Team, threatening them with an account suspension due to …