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Flame was developed by US and Israel

Earlier this month, unnamed government sources seemingly confirmed that Stuxnet was developed through a joint effort of the US and Israeli government agencies. Two days prior …

Facebook promotes security tips

If you have logged into Facebook in the last few days, chances are you have been faced with a new Facebook message at the top of your page saying “Stay in control of …

Beware of the “Good Samaritan” advance fee scam

419 scams have at one time been so prevalent, that the majority of Internet users were faced with at least one per week. We thought we have seen it all: inheritances from …

Takedown of Japanese Android malware gang still incomplete

Six men suspected of running an adult site and serving Android malware through it have been recently arrested by the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, and the website in …

Zitmo Trojan masquerades as security app

Zeus-in-the-mobile (“Zitmo”) for Android users is back, pretending to be a security solution for the mobile operating platform. It masquerades as “Android …

Apps on iOS 6 will require explicit permission to access personal data

Users of Apple devices equipped with the upcoming iOS version 6 will be explicitly warned when the app they are trying to install asks permission to access their contacts, …

Democratic govts not immune to censorship attempts, says Google

Judging by the numbers contained in Google’s latest bi-annual Transparency Report, governments and government officials around the world have lately been approaching the …

Unpatched Microsoft flaw actively exploited in the wild

When Microsoft released a security advisory detailing a critical flaw in Microsoft XML Core Services and its corresponding “Fix it” mitigation solution last week, …

Six arrested for peddling Android malware in Japan

Six men – among which are three IT executives – have been arrested in Japan for having allegedly used Android malware to “earn” themselves over 20 …

US-CERT warns of Intel CPU flaw

A flaw in Intel chips leaves users of a number or x64-based operating systems vulnerable to system hijacking, the US Computer Emergency Readiness Team warns. “Some …

Windows Forensic Analysis Toolkit, Third Edition

As a considerable number of PC users has switched to Windows 7, Harlan Carvey has updated its popular Windows Forensic Analysis Toolkit book to cover the systems running it. …

Diablo 3 real-money auctions accessible only with authenticator

It seems that the long awaited Diablo 3 real-money auction house will finally become a reality, as Blizzard has changed its Terms of Use to make all players who want to access …

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