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Bogus Chase Paymentech notification carries malware

If you receive an email seemingly coming from payment processing company Chase Paymentech, think twice about opening the attachment it carries. The email purportedly delivers …

Prince William “day in the life” photo blunder reveals sensitive info

The publication of a set of pictures that were aimed at showing the everyday life of Prince William at his work at RAF Valley has inadvertently made sensitive information …

Facebook says proposed European data protection fines could lead to court battles

Documents handed over following a Freedom-of-Information request to the Irish Data Protection Commissioner have revealed that Facebook does not appreciate the proposed …

Thwart attackers’ search for info by ditching out-of-office notifications

When it comes to successfully defending organizations from targeted attacks, IT administrators must be aware that attention to every detail – no matter how small – …

Fake versions of popular Apple apps sold on Google Play

If you are an Android user but you want to try out some of Apple’s most sought-after apps, you might be surprised to know that Apple has been seemingly offering them for …

Beware of scammy “Free $500 Target voucher” offers

With Black Friday, Cyber Monday and the end-of-year holidays rapidly approaching and people’s minds being turned towards shopping and gift-giving, scammy offers for …

Facebook rolls out always-on HTTPS by default

After expanding secure browsing from the login process to the entire site in January 2011, Facebook is finally rolling out HTTPS by default for all users – not just the …

Fake tsunami news report leads to malware

Fake news about celebrity deaths and impending natural disasters are often employed by online scammers and malware peddlers aiming to trick users into clicking on malicious …

FreeBSD infrastructure breached, third-party packages potentially affected

The FreeBSD team has announced over the weekend that two machines within the cluster have been compromised and have been consequently pulled offline for analysis. …

PoC malware for remote hijacking of USB smart readers

Researchers from, a Luxembourg-based malware analysis and incident response team, have created proof-of-concept malware that allows attackers to gain access to and …

German police warns about Android banking Trojans

Following a string of complaints about fraudulent cash withdrawals, the Berlin Police Department has issued a warning (via Google Translate) for all Android users, telling …

Windows 8 vulnerable to 15% of most popular malware

As users start to (very) slowly adopt the newly released Windows 8, researchers are intent on finding out whether the new OS version is more secure than the previous ones. A …

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