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Gameover gang uses Cutwail botnet to swell its own

The hackers behind the Gameover variant of the popular Zeus banking Trojan have rented the massive Cutwail botnet in order to send out millions of fake emails carrying the …

Huge GPU cluster makes password hacking a breeze

Cracking encrypted passwords is getting increasingly easier as researchers come up with new ways of harnessing CPU, GPU and cloud power to perform the task. The latest of the …

Exploit kit authors thrive due to PoC code released by whitehats

Do exploit kit authors actually write the exploits they include in their offerings? Sophos’ researcher Gabor Szappanos says the answer is a resounding “No.” …

Swiss spy agency insider steals terabytes of confidential data

As a good reminder that you should never discount the insider threat, the news that a disgruntled former employee of Nachrichtendienst des Bundes (NDB) – the Swiss …

Spoofed RapidFax alert carries hard-to-detect Trojan

Malicious email alerts purportedly being sent by RapidFax, a service that allows users to send faxes online without the need for a fax machine, have been hitting inboxes in …

Voting on Facebook privacy policy changes is open

As of Monday 12 p.m. PST, Facebook has opened the seven day period of voting for or against the proposed Data Use Policy and Statement of Rights and Responsibilities changes …

Hackers publish more info from UN atomic energy agency’s servers

Displeased with the International Atomic Energy Agency’s statement that they breached only an “old server,” anti-Israel hacker group “Parastoo” …

Handy malicious domain registering service available to cybercriminals

Despite its illegal nature, the industry revolving around cybercrime follows the same rules characteristic for any human economic enterprise: those who discover a need, create …

Researcher releases a slew of MySQL and SSH exploits

Security professional Nikolaos Rangos, who is better known by his online handle Kingcope, has flooded the Full Disclosure mailing list over the weekend with information and …

Reveton impersonates FBI, claims to record users’ illegal activities

The deadly combination of the Citadel malware and the Reveton ransomware is still widely used to steal information and money from uninformed users, the Internet Crime …

Facebook’s “Hacktober” tests employees’ security awareness

Since 2004, October has been dubbed “National Cyber Security Awareness Month,” and many security-minded individuals, businesses and organizations make it a point …

Agressive worm infection leads to banking Trojan infection

An aggressive variant of the VBNA-X “autorun” worm is finding its way onto users’ computers, preparing them for further malicious downloads, warns Sophos. …

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