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FISAA legalizes surveillance of EU citizens and their cloud data, claims study

When the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Amendments Act (FISAA) was extended for another 5 years thanks to a majority vote in the U.S. Senate late last year, there …

Apple moves to prevent popular app scam tactic

In an effort to prevent malicious apps from being inadvertently allowed to go on sale on the Apple App Store, the company has decided to make it difficult for developers to …

Japanese cops collar malware-carrying cat

When imagining law enforcement officers investigating and searching for cyber criminals or evidence about their activities, the last thing that you can probably envision is …

Critical Ruby on Rails flaws fixed, upgrade immediately

For the second week in a row since the start of the new year, users of open source web application framework Ruby on Rails are advised to upgrade to the newly offered versions …

HTTPS for Yahoo! Mail is now available

Yahoo has finally decided to offer to the users of its popular Yahoo! Mail service the option of encrypting their entire webmail session by switching on the Secure Sockets …

U.S. nuke lab removes Chinese equipment from its networks

The Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico – one of the two U.S. laboratories that are engaged in designing nuclear weapons – has removed at least two …

New twists to previously-existing cyber scams

FBI’s Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) has released a report detailing recent cyber crime trends and new twists to previously-existing cyber scams. Among them is a …

Researchers crack Microsoft’s Fix It for latest IE 0-day

Microsoft has announced on Friday that this month’s Patch Tuesday will include seven advisories, but unfortunately there will be no patch for the recently detected IE …

Hiding secret messages in Skype silences

A group of researchers from the Institute of Telecommunications of the Warsaw University of Technology have devised a way to send and receive messages hidden in the data …

McAfee says he used malware to spy on Belize authorities

John McAfee’s name is well-known in the information security industry, but until very recently, most of the general public didn’t know that he had long ago stopped …

Copied Android apps sold on Google Play at higher prices

App developer Root Uninstaller claims that some of his original apps for the Android platform have been copied and are currently being sold on Google Play. He offers the …

Fake “Facebook Security Team” account asks for your credentials

An account posing as that of the Facebook Security Team has been spotted sending warnings to page administrators, trying to fool them into believing that their Facebook …

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