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Apache server bug allows remote code execution

The existence of a “moderately critical” Apache HTTP Server vulnerability whose exploitation could allow attackers to compromise the system and execute arbitrary …

Evernote rolls out 2-factor authentication for paying customers

2013 seems the be the year of 2-factor (or 2-step) authentication. Following the introduction of the feature by the likes of Apple, Microsoft, Twitter and WordPress, Evernote …

Google defines disclosure timeline for actively exploited bugs

The debate regarding responsible vulnerability disclosure and full vulnerability disclosure has been started many times in the past, and it’s an issue that will continue … forces password reset following breach

The server hosting the official website of Drupal, the popular content management platform, has been compromised and sensitive user data was accessed by the attackers, the …

Chinese army announces drill to test its digitalized forces

The Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) has announced it will be holding a military exercise in June, aimed at testing “new types of combat forces including …

Judge orders porn suspect to decrypt his hard drives

After having first decided against forcing a suspect to decrypt a number of hard drives that were believed to be his and to contain child pornography, a U.S. judge has changed …

Ruby on Rails bug is being exploited in the wild, researcher warns

Administrators of servers running Ruby on Rails are advised once again to upgrade to the latest versions of the framework (3.2.11, 3.1.10, 3.0.19, and 2.3.15), as a …

Anonymous hacker Jeremy Hammond pleads guilty

Jeremy Hammond (aka “Anarchaos”), the Anonymous hacker that was charged last year with crimes relating to the December 2011 hack of Strategic Forecasting …

Can mobile malware be activated via sensors?

Can mobile malware be activated via sensors available on current mobile devices, and receive commands through out-of-band communication methods? If you ask a group of …

U.S. weapons systems designs reportedly stolen by hackers

Hackers – more than likely Chinese – have stolen designs for two dozen U.S. weapons systems during a series of raids, a previously undisclosed section of a report …

Brazilian govt sites found serving malware

Cyber crooks targeting Brazilian users have a well-documented predilection for banking Trojans, but every now and then they opt for other types of malware. Trend Micro …

Liberty Reserve founder arrested, site and service inaccessible

When the website of Liberty Reserve, a Costa Rica-based payment processor popular with cyber criminals, became inaccessible late last week, speculation about what caused were …

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