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Researches test resilience of P2P botnets

Following increased efforts by a number of companies and organizations, the takedown on botnet C&C servers is now a pretty regular occurrence and cyber crooks have …

Obama, Verizon, NSA sued for collecting U.S. citizens’ phone call data

Three individuals have filed the first lawsuit aimed at disputing the constitutionality of NSA’s collection of metadata on phone calls made by or to U.S. citizens. Larry …

Washington Free Beacon website redirects to malware

A “big” story like that regarding NSA spying was bound to be used by cyber crooks as a lure. So far, no emails containing links to booby-trapped pages or malicious …

Researchers find self-propagating Zeus variant

The Zeus / Zbot Trojan has been around since 2007, and it and its variants continued to perform MitM attacks, log keystrokes and grab information entered in online forms. It …

NSA whistleblower reveals himself, world reacts

This last week has been the most eventful one in infosec history since I can remember. An (at the time unnamed) whistleblower has rocked the world by disclosing documents that …

Potential privacy problems for companies accepting Bitcoins

Businesses accepting Bitcoin payments might want to consider the privacy implications that such an option creates for its customers and for themselves. As you may or may not …

EU to vote on stiffer penalties for hackers

Member states of the European Union might soon be creating new laws that will raise minimum prison sentences for convicted cyber attackers and botnet herders. Last week, the …

Microsoft Citadel takedown ultimately counterproductive

Last week’s disruption of nearly 1500 Citadel botnets believed to be responsible for over half a billion US dollars in financial fraud and affecting more than five …

Proposed bill will deny foreign hackers entry into the U.S.

A day before U.S. President’s scheduled meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping, a new act that aims to punish criminals engaging in cyber spying and theft on behalf …

New Android Trojan is complex as Windows malware

Mobile (and especially Android) malware is on the rise and according to researchers from Kaspersky Lab, its complexity is also increasing. Case in point: …

Google ups (some) bug bounties

Google has once again decided to raise the sums that researchers can earn by offering information about bugs in the company’s web services and properties (YouTube, …

Pirate Bay founder suspected of hacking police databases

Pirate Bay co-founder Gottfrid Svartholm, who has been extradited from Cambodia to Sweden to answer for allegedly hacking of Swedish IT company Logica and the Nordea bank …

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