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Aggressive Android adware masquerading as Wi-Fi password cracking app

Statistics say that Android malware and aggressive adware is on the rise, so the fact that researchers occasionally find some of it on legitimate online app markets should not …

Darkleech Apache module injection campaign delivers malware

One of the most successful malware infection campaigns ever is still going strong, and researchers have not come closer to discovering how the attackers are compromising web …

System Doctor 2014: A fake AV for the upcoming year

In an effort to keep one step ahead of security solutions and attentive users, peddlers of fake AV solutions often change the name of the malware they are trying to sell. …

“Blizzard Entertainment IP Restrictions” phishing email doing rounds

Blizzard Entertainment has acknowledged that the notification email that has been hitting users’ inboxes and has been purportedly sent by the company is, in fact, a …

Information Security Risk Assessment Toolkit

It is a truth universally acknowledged that in order to know what company IT assets you should protect and how, you need to first perform a risk assessment. But how do to go …

Ubisoft breached, user account credentials compromised

Ubisoft has begun notifying account holders of a breach that resulted in their email addresses, usernames and (encrypted) passwords being compromised. “We recently …

Current cybercrime market is all about Cybercrime-as-a-Service

The cybercrime market is constantly evolving, and it is currently full of knowledgeable individuals who have focused on their core competencies to offer services to those who …

Litecoin-stealing Trojan found

Bitcoin is the most popular, but not the only crypto currency out there. As interest in and use of other ones rises, malware that tries to steal particular types of currencies …

NSA hacking and spying on EU officials

Over the weekend, the German Der Spiegel published a report based on a document leaked by NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden that show that the US has been spying on EU …

Android hack tool harvests info from PCs

Stealing information is a piece of cake if you can manage to get malware on the target’s Windows computer, but did you know that it can also be as easy as connecting …

Beware of “Social Security” Facebook phishing scams

Hijacked Facebook Fan Pages are a great asset to online spammers and scammers, so it’s no wonder that at any given time there are a number of active phishing campaigns …

Wi-Vi: Seeing through walls with Wi-Fi signals

Two MIT researchers have created Wi-Vi, an experimental system that uses Wi-Fi signals to track moving objects – usually people – behind a wall and in closed …

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