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Attacks targeting unsupported Java 6 are on the rise

As predicted at the end of 2012 and proved by the ever expanding use of exploit kits, vulnerabilities in popular and widespread software such as Java and Adobe’s Acrobat …

2M Vodafone users’ personal and banking info compromised

The names, addresses, birth dates, and bank account information of some 2 million German Vodafone users has been compromised in a breach of a server located “deep in the …

Bogus hacking Android apps offered on Google Play

Getting your Android apps from Google Play is always a better bet than picking them up from third party online marketplaces, but you also can’t be completely sure you …

Backdoored NIST standard revealed, will be reopened for review

Following last week’s revelation that the NSA has, among other things, influenced the US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) to adopt an encryption …

JollyBot SMS Trojan offered for use to low-level crooks via affiliate network

The current cybercrime market is all about Cybercrime-as-a-Service – knowledgeable individuals focus on their core competencies to offer services to those who have not …

Bogus iPhone 5C giveaway hits Facebook users

The long awaited unveiling of the upcoming iPhone 5S and 5C has provided the perfect lure for Facebook scammers. A message showing a picture of multicolored iPhones 5C and …

Android scareware delivered via spoofed email notices

A spam campaign targeting Android and PC users simultaneously has been recently spotted by FireEye researchers. The attacks starts with spoofed emails made to look like a …

C&C PHP script for staging DDoS attacks sold on underground forums

Earlier this year, US-CERT has deemed it important to release an alert about publicly accessible open recursive DNS servers that are increasingly being used in DNS …

EU politicians want to suspend banking data-sharing program

Following the claims that the NSA has spied on the Belgian-based Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT) – the organization that provides the …

Fake AVG AV apps offered on Google Play

However hard Google works to prevent malicious apps from being offered on Google Play, its official online Android market, some always get through. AVG researchers warn about …

Phishers use free iPhone 5S as lure ahead of launch

As the moment when Apple is set to unveil its latest offerings slowly approaches and it seems almost sure they will show several version of iPhone 5, cyber scammers are trying …

With crypto being insecure, whom do you trust?

Last week’s revelation that the NSA has for years now concentrated on subverting the encryption that protects commerce and banking transactions, sensitive data, e-mails, …

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