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Sefnit Trojan endangers users even after removal

Remember when in late August 2013 the Tor anonymity network was hit with a sudden and massive influx of active clients connecting to it? It was later discovered that the spike …

EU committee asks Snowden to testify via video link

With an overwhelming vote of 36-to-2 (plus one abstention), the members of the European Parliament’s Justice and Civil Liberties Committee have decided to extend an …

Fake “Critical browser update” warnings lead to malware

If you have manually updated your browser in the last week or so, think back on how you did it. Did you look for the update yourself, or did you download one after being faced …

Bitcoin-stealing malware delivered via clever email campaign

Users of popular Bitcoin exchanges are being actively targeted by cyber crooks looking to syphon funds out of their digital wallets. When cyber crooks are looking to infect as …

Fake AV served to Dailymotion visitors via malicious ads

The extremely popular video-sharing website Dailymotion ( has been found serving malicious ads that trigger fake infection warnings and try to make visitors …

Yahoo Mail now has HTTPS on by default

With a short blog post, Yahoo’s SVP of Communication Products Jeff Bonforte has announced that the company has started encrypting all connections between their users and …

NSA employee will remain as co-chair on crypto standards group

NSA employee Kevin Igoe will continue to be one of the two co-chairs of the Crypto Forum Research Group (CFRG), which helps the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) review …

New Zeus variant stymies malware analysis, has rootkit capabilities

As expected, variants of the infamous Zeus banking Trojan are becoming more adept at hiding their presence from users and AV solutions, and at preventing malware analysis …

Investigating Internet Crimes

Cybercrime is exploding, we all know that. But if you ever wondered about how online crimes are investigated by law enforcement, wonder no more: this guide book goes through …

OpenSUSE forums defaced via unknown vBulletin 0-day

The official forums of the openSUSE Linux distribution have been hacked and defaced by a Pakistani hacker that goes by the handle “H4x0r HuSsY.” According to THN, …

Deadly new ransomware soon to be released?

As disruptive as Cryptolocker is, there’s a possibility that an even deadlier type of ransomware will soon be targeting unsuspecting users. White-hat security research …

Multi-protocol SoftEther VPN becomes open source

In March 2013, a Japanese student by the name of Daiyuu Nobori set up VPN Gate, a free VPN service that he hoped would be used by Internet users who wish to avoid their …

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