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Facebook to fix flaw that can force iPhones to make calls

Facebook will soon be pushing out an update to its iOS Messenger app meant to patch a vulnerability that could allow attackers to place pricy calls from users’ phones by …

Researchers exploit flaw to tie Secret users to their secrets

The secrets you share on Secret, the popular app that allows people to share messages anonymously within their circle of friends, friends of friends, and publicly, can be …

Kelihos botmasters target Russian patriots to expand botnet

The cyber crooks behind the Kelihos botnet are, once again, trying to swell the number of computers included in it. They are trying a novel approach: posing as a …

Sony PSN back online after DDoS attack

Sony’s PlayStation Network has been hit with and downed by a large DDoS attack this weekend, but is now back online a functioning as it should. “Like other major …

Tool restores SynoLocker-encrypted files

Security company F-Secure has created a tool that could help SynoLocker victims get their files back, but it only works if they have received – bought – the …

Over 1,000 businesses compromised with Backoff malware

The US Department of Homeland Security has once again issued a warning to businesses about the Backoff malware. “The DHS encourages organizations, regardless of size, to …

Bitcoin-themed phishing campaign creates quite a stir

The latest massive email phishing campaign targeting Bitcoin users has had an unexpected click-through rate. The spam campaign came in two waves, and of the 12,000 messages …

Control Android app permissions with NativeWrap

Tired with using mobile apps that demand unneeded permissions that open the door to data collection and worse? Researchers from North Carolina State University have come up …

Extracting encryption keys by measuring computers’ electric potential

A group of researchers from Technion and Tel Aviv University have demonstrated new and unexpected ways to retrieve decryption keys from computers. Their research is …

Critical Delphi and C++Builder VCL library bug found

A buffer overflow vulnerability that could be exploited to execute malicious code has been discovered in the Visual Component Library (VCL) library of Embarcadero’s …

Most popular Android apps open users to MITM attacks

An analysis of the 1,000 most popular free Android apps from the Google Play store has revealed a depressing fact: most of them sport an SSL/TLS vulnerability that can be …

Most Facebook email notifications are now encrypted

95% of Facebook’s notification emails are now encrypted with both Perfect Forward Secrecy and strict certificate validation, Michael Adkins, a Messaging Integrity …

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