Zeljka Zorz
New Android bug can put devices into a coma
In the wake of the explosive discovery of the Android Stagefright vulnerability, Trend Micro researchers have revealed the existence of another, similar one that can make …
Researchers hack Linux-powered sniper rifle
When talking about the Internet of Things – “things” with an embedded computing system able to interoperate within the Internet infrastructure – we …
United Airlines hacked by same group that breached Anthem and OPM
United Airlines has been breached, and investigators believe the perpetrators to be the same group that hacked US health insurer Anthem and stole personal and employment …
Rowhammer.js: The first remote software-induced hardware-fault attack
A group of Austrian and French researchers have devised a relatively simple way to remotely exploit the Rowhammer bug present in some computer chips. Their version of the …
Check out the Windows 10 security features
Today is the day that Windows 10 becomes available to users around the world.The new (and some old-but-new again) features are already known to the public: the Start button is …
Breaches might be inevitable, but penalties are not harsh enough
A panel on the topic of data breaches organized by cyber security and penetration testing company Cognosec has revealed that most industry professionals believe that breaches …
Users force LinkedIn to bring back connections download tool used by scrapers
LinkedIn users have rejected a new data export process set up by the company, which would allow them to export their connections’ information with a delay of 24 or, …
Apple patches serious remotely exploitable iTunes and App Store flaw
Security researcher Benjamin Kunz Mejri from Vulnerability Lab has discovered a serious vulnerability in Apple’s App Store and iTunes web apps, which can lead to …
Chrome extension thwarts user profiling based on typing behavior
The problems with passwords have already been well documented, and the main problem with static biometrics (“something you are”: fingerprints, retina patterns, …
One in 600 websites exposes sensitive info via easily accessible .git folder
Git is the most popular tool for software version control out there. Created by Linus Torvalds to facilitate Linux kernel development, Git is a boon for software developers as …
Dmail: A Chrome extension for sending self-destructing emails
Social bookmarking web service Delicious has released a free beta version of Dmail, an extension for the Chrome browser which allows senders to delete an email they sent and …
Finally! A free, open source, on-premise virus scanner framework
After having spoken about it for quite a while, security researcher Robert Simmons has finally begun publishing the code and documentation of his open source AV scanner …
Featured news
Don't miss
- Balancing usability and security in the fight against identity-based attacks
- MSSqlPwner: Open-source tool for pentesting MSSQL servers
- Critical SimpleHelp vulnerabilities fixed, update your server instances!
- Configuration files for 15,000 Fortinet firewalls leaked. Are yours among them?
- New UEFI Secure Boot bypass vulnerability discovered (CVE-2024-7344)