Zeljka Zorz
Microsoft pushes out security updates, plugs holes actively exploited by attackers
Microsoft released twelve patches fixing over 50 vulnerabilities in Internet Explorer, Microsoft Edge, Active Directory Service, Microsoft Graphics Component, Windows Journal, …
Carbanak APT still targeting high-value financial institutions and casinos
The Anunak / Carbanak hacking group continues to target banks, but has also now hitting Forex-trading companies, casinos, and other institutions from which it can steal large …
Zero-day bugs in Kaspersky and FireEye products found, exploits disclosed
A slew of vulnerabilities – some already patched and some still not – have been revealed to affect several security offerings by some of the most trusted names in …
Ashley Madison developers not big on security
Just a ten minutes long browsing session of the leaked Ashley Madison source code revealed to infosec consultant Gabor Szathmari a number of security mistakes that have likely …
Android ransomware masquerades as Adult Player app, takes photo of victim
“A new mobile ransomware variant uses a clever new technique to push affected users to pay the asked-for ransom: it takes a photo of the user with the phone’s …
Seagate wireless hard drives open wide to attack
Several Seagate wireless hard-drives have been found to be affected by multiple vulnerabilities, the CERT Coordination Center of the Software Engineering Institute at Carnegie …
Hacker had access to sensitive info about Firefox bugs for over a year
Mozilla has announced on Friday that an attacker managed to access security-sensitive information about a considerable number of (at the time) unpatched Firefox …
Fake recruiters on LinkedIn are targeting infosec pros
“There’s a group of fake recruiters on LinkedIn mapping infosec people’s networks. Not sure what their goal is yet, just a heads-up to others,” …
Cisco squashes DoS bug in its unified infrastructure software
Cisco has released a patch for a serious remotely exploitable vulnerability affecting its Integrated Management Controller (IMC) Supervisor and Cisco UCS Director …
Open source Sleepy Puppy tool finds XSS bugs in target apps and beyond
Since Monday, security pros can add another XSS-finding tool to their arsenal, as Netflix has open sourced their cross-site scripting payload management framework dubbed …
Persistent cyber spies try to impersonate security researchers
Rocket Kitten, a cyber espionage group that mostly targets individuals in the Middle East, has been spotted attempting to impersonate security researchers.The group’s …
Clever Android ransomware infects tens of thousands of devices
“A new, improved variant of the Android Simplocker ransomware is lurking on third-party app stores. “We estimate that tens of thousands of devices have been …
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Don't miss
- Balancing usability and security in the fight against identity-based attacks
- MSSqlPwner: Open-source tool for pentesting MSSQL servers
- Critical SimpleHelp vulnerabilities fixed, update your server instances!
- Configuration files for 15,000 Fortinet firewalls leaked. Are yours among them?
- New UEFI Secure Boot bypass vulnerability discovered (CVE-2024-7344)