Zeljka Zorz
Chimera crypto-ransomware is hitting German companies
A new piece of crypto-ransomware is targeting German companies: it’s called Chimera, and the criminals behind the scheme are threatening to release sensitive corporate …
Researchers can identify people through walls by using wireless signals
Researchers at MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab (CSAIL) have created a device that allows them to “see” what a person is doing and …
Hacking Team pitches encryption-cracking tools to US law enforcement
Hacking Team, the Italian company that provides offensive intrusion and surveillance software to governments, intelligence and law enforcement agencies, is back in the saddle, …
Nearly 2,000 Vodafone UK customers’ accounts compromised, blocked
Customers of another UK telecom have had their information compromised by hackers, as Vodafone has explained that it was “subject to an attempt to access some customers’ …
TalkTalk breach: Third arrest, data already for sale, criminals targeting pensioners
News about the TalkTalk breach and the investigation of it are coming fast and thick. After the arrests of two teens (one in Northern Ireland, the other from Feltham) believed …
US DOJ admits that Stingrays can be used to intercept call and SMS content
After a battling the US Department of Justice in a court for two and a half years, the American Civil Liberties Union of Northern California has emerged victorious and has …
Android infostealer masquerading as MS Word document
A clever Android information-stealing piece of malware is lurking on third-party app markets popular with Chinese users.“The malware portrays itself as a data file with …
Xen Project plugs critical host hijacking flaw, patch ASAP
The latest security update (XSA-145 through 153) for the popular Xen virtualization software fixes nine issues. Eight of them can lead to Denial of Service, but the ninth is …
European Parliament members want member states to protect Edward Snowden
Too little has been done to safeguard citizens’ fundamental rights following revelations of electronic mass surveillance, members of the European Parliament have stated …
UK dating fraud victims lost £33,5 million last year
Action Fraud, UK’s national fraud and Internet crime reporting centre, and the City of London Police have started a Twitter campaign with the aim of teaching people …
.onion officially registered as special-use domain name by the IETF
By publishing the RFC 7686 standard, the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) has formally recognized the .onion domain as a special-use domain name. “Over the last …
Domain name holders hit with personalized, malware-laden suspension notices
A clever new email spam campaign has been spotted targeting domain name holders, trying to trick them into downloading malware on their systems.The emails take the form of a …
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Don't miss
- Balancing usability and security in the fight against identity-based attacks
- MSSqlPwner: Open-source tool for pentesting MSSQL servers
- Critical SimpleHelp vulnerabilities fixed, update your server instances!
- Configuration files for 15,000 Fortinet firewalls leaked. Are yours among them?
- New UEFI Secure Boot bypass vulnerability discovered (CVE-2024-7344)