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Carbanak APT still targeting high-value financial institutions and casinos

The Anunak / Carbanak hacking group continues to target banks, but has also now hitting Forex-trading companies, casinos, and other institutions from which it can steal large …

Zero-day bugs in Kaspersky and FireEye products found, exploits disclosed

A slew of vulnerabilities – some already patched and some still not – have been revealed to affect several security offerings by some of the most trusted names in …

Ashley Madison developers not big on security

Just a ten minutes long browsing session of the leaked Ashley Madison source code revealed to infosec consultant Gabor Szathmari a number of security mistakes that have likely …

Android ransomware masquerades as Adult Player app, takes photo of victim

“A new mobile ransomware variant uses a clever new technique to push affected users to pay the asked-for ransom: it takes a photo of the user with the phone’s …

Seagate wireless hard drives open wide to attack

Several Seagate wireless hard-drives have been found to be affected by multiple vulnerabilities, the CERT Coordination Center of the Software Engineering Institute at Carnegie …

Hacker had access to sensitive info about Firefox bugs for over a year

Mozilla has announced on Friday that an attacker managed to access security-sensitive information about a considerable number of (at the time) unpatched Firefox …

Fake recruiters on LinkedIn are targeting infosec pros

“There’s a group of fake recruiters on LinkedIn mapping infosec people’s networks. Not sure what their goal is yet, just a heads-up to others,” …

Cisco squashes DoS bug in its unified infrastructure software

Cisco has released a patch for a serious remotely exploitable vulnerability affecting its Integrated Management Controller (IMC) Supervisor and Cisco UCS Director …

Open source Sleepy Puppy tool finds XSS bugs in target apps and beyond

Since Monday, security pros can add another XSS-finding tool to their arsenal, as Netflix has open sourced their cross-site scripting payload management framework dubbed …

Persistent cyber spies try to impersonate security researchers

Rocket Kitten, a cyber espionage group that mostly targets individuals in the Middle East, has been spotted attempting to impersonate security researchers.The group’s …

Clever Android ransomware infects tens of thousands of devices

“A new, improved variant of the Android Simplocker ransomware is lurking on third-party app stores. “We estimate that tens of thousands of devices have been …

Major browser makers synchronize end of support for RC4

Mozilla, Google and Microsoft have come to an agreement: support for the increasingly vulnerable RC4 cryptographic cypher in the companies’ browsers will end in early …

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