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IRS raises number of Get Transcript app breach victims yet again

Remember when back in May 2015 the IRS took offline its Get Transcript app because it was misused by cybercriminals to access sensitive personal information of more than …

CTB-Locker for websites
CTB Locker ransomware now also encrypts websites

The well-known crypto ransomware CTB Locker is back. After a considerable slowdown in distribution, it is being pushed onto users again, and this time its executable has been …

Lock keyboard
Crypto ransomware hits German hospitals

At least three hospitals in the German state of North Rhine-Westphalia have been hit with crypto ransomware. One is Lukas Krankenhaus (Lukas Hospital) in Neuss, the second one …

Apple says DoJ’s request for iPhone unlocking is unconstitutional

Apple has filed a motion to vacate the earlier court order that would force them to help the FBI access the contents of the iPhone of the San Bernardino gunman by creating a …

Porn clicker
Porn Clicker Android malware hits Google Play hard

In a little over seven months, cybercriminals using click-jacking mobile malware to earn affiliate income have managed to push over 340 instances of the malware into Google …

Google offers free DDoS protection to independent news sites

Google (i.e., Alphabet) has created a free DDoS protection service to help independent news sites, sites focused on human rights and on election monitoring withstand DDoS …

Circle eye
FBI subpoenaed Carnegie Mellon University for Tor-using suspect’s IP address

A court order in the case of U.S. vs Brian Farrell, a man charged with conspiracy to distribute illegal drugs while he was allegedly an administrator of the Silk Road 2.0 …

Nissan LEAF
Insecure APIs allow anyone to mess with Nissan LEAF electric car

A vulnerability in the mobile app used to interact with Nissan LEAF, a popular electric car, can be exploited by remote, unauthenticated attackers to switch the car’s AC …

FTC forces Asus to improve router security

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is actively trying to make sure that companies secure the software and devices that they provide to consumers, and Tuesday’s …

NSA spied on world leaders, UN, EU officials

A set of highly classified documents recently published by WikiLeaks show how the NSA spied on a number of high ranking officials of the UN, UNHCR, WTO, NATO, the EU and …

Sensitive child profiles, private messages exposed online

Security researcher Chris Vickery has discovered another database containing sensitive user data exposed online (i.e. accessible via Internet). Leveraging Shodan, he unearthed …

German police allowed to use its own “federal Trojan”

The German Interior Ministry has approved for investigative use a spying Trojan developed by the German Federal Criminal Police (a so-called “federal Trojan”). In …

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