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The Information Systems Security Officer's Guide, Third Edition
Review: The Information Systems Security Officer’s Guide, Third Edition

About the author Dr. Gerald Kovacich has over 40 years of security, criminal and civil investigations, anti-fraud, information warfare, and information systems security …

justice sentence gavel law court
US FISC approved all surveillance requests in 2015

The US Foreign Surveillance Intelligence Court (FISC) has approved every electronic surveillance request for foreign intelligence purposes it has received in 2015. As it turns …

US Supreme Court approves expansion of FBI hacking powers

The US Supreme Court has approved on Thursday several changes to the federal rules around search warrants, one of which would allow US federal law enforcement agents to …

Screen overlay Android malware is on the rise

As predicted, the ability to lay screens over legitimate (e.g. banking) apps is becoming a crucial feature for the success of Android malware. The capability was first seen in …

prison cell jail
Suspect refuses to decrypt hard drives, is detained indefinitely

A former Philadelphia Police Department sergeant suspected of possessing child pornography has spent seven months in a detention center without being charged of any particular …

Former Tor developer helped the FBI unmask Tor users

A developer who used to work at Tor Project is the mastermind behind “Torsploit” (aka “Cornhusker”), the malware that was used by the FBI in 2012 to …

credit cards secure
PCI DSS 3.2 is out: What’s new?

The Payment Card Industry Security Standards Council has published the latest version of PCI DSS, the information security standard for organizations that handle customer …

Gold-mining firm Goldcorp hacked, its data leaked online

Canadian gold-mining company Goldcorp has suffered a data breach of seemingly catastrophic proportions. On Tuesday, the attackers leaked a lot of sensitive internal data about …

Fake Chrome LastPass extension leads to unwanted installs

A fake LastPass extension has been found lurking on the Chrome Web Store, offering promises of free and easy password management, but instead taking users for a ride involving …

fish phishing
Facebook made to serve phishing forms to users

Netcraft researchers have recently spotted an extremely convincing Facebook phishing attack. The fraudsters made it look like the fake “Facebook Page Verification” …

7 million users affected by Minecraft community Lifeboat data breach

Minecraft community fansite “Lifeboat” has admitted that it suffered a data breach in January, after security researcher Troy Hunt added some of the stolen data to …

Info of Qatar National Bank customers, Al Jazeera staff, others, leaked online

A ZIP file containing information supposedly stolen in a hack of the Qatar National Bank has been published on whistleblower site Cryptome on Tuesday. The contents of the …

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