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DNS provider NS1 hit with multi-faceted DDoS attacks

Early last week, DNS and traffic management provider NS1 was hit with a series of DDoS attacks that lasted several days, and managed to impact DNS delivery in the European, …

Microsoft bans common passwords

If you’re using the Microsoft Account service to sign into the various services offered by the company, and you tried to set up a too commonly used password, you have …

European flag
Europe’s digital competitiveness depends on free data flow

The European Commission today tabled a package of measures to allow consumers and companies to buy and sell products and services online more easily and confidently across the …

WhatsApp Gold doesn’t exist, it’s a scam that spreads malware

WhatsApp users are once again targeted by malware peddlers, via messages that offer WhatsApp Gold, supposedly an enhanced version of the popular messaging app previously used …

Who’s tracking you online, and how?

Armed with a tool that mimics a consumer browser but is actually bent on discovering all the ways websites are tracking visitors, Princeton University researchers have …

FBI warns about keyloggers disguised as USB device chargers

A private industry notification issued by the FBI in late April may indicate that keyloggers disguised as USB device chargers have been fund being used in the wild. The …

DMA Locker 4.0
DMA Locker ransomware ready for mass distribution

According to Malwarebytes’ researcher Hasherezade, we’re in for a lot of pain once the new and improved DMA Locker ransomware starts doing the rounds. Its first …

WPAD name collision bug opens door for MitM attackers

A vulnerability in Web Proxy Auto-Discovery (WPAD), a protocol used to ensure all systems in an organization utilize the same web proxy configuration, can be exploited to …

Tips for evolving your office’s security culture

Changing a corporate security culture, or even just that of your own office or department, can sometimes seem impossible. In general, people don’t like change: they just …

OWASP set to address API security risks

OWASP has started a new project and is set to publish a new guide on security risks. The issue they aim to tackle this time is API security. The new OWASP API Security Project …

Criminals stole $12.7 million from ATMs in Japan

In the early morning hours of May 15, 2016, a group of over 100 people executed coordinated, fraudulent ATM withdrawals that netted them about 1.44 billion yen. In a period of …

Ubiquiti routers hit by backdoor-generating worm

A worm targeting wireless network equipment developed by US-based Ubiquiti Networks has already managed to compromise thousands of routers across the world. To spread it, …

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