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About the author Jim Bird, CTO of a major US-based institutional alternative trading system, has more than 20 years of experience in financial services technology, including …

Netgear D6000
Netgear removes crypto keys hard-coded in routers

Qualys security researcher Mandar Jadhav has discovered two serious vulnerabilities in Netgear D6000 and D3600 modem routers, which can be exploited to gain access to the …

Ransomware targets Android smart TVs

If you own a Sharp and Philips smart TV running the Android TV OS, you should know that it could be hit by FLocker, a device-locking ransomware that targets both …

Can SourceForge win developers’ trust back?

SourceForge is under new ownership and management (again!), and their plan is to return the service to its former glory. The past Once the preferred source code repository and …

Let’s Encrypt CA inadvertently leaks users’ email addresses

Let’s Encrypt, the non-profit Certificate Authority (CA) that helps website administrators switch from HTTP to HTTPS quickly and effortlessly, has accidentally leaked …

Crysis ransomware fills vacuum left by TeslaCrypt

TeslaCrypt has reached the end of the road, and other ransomware is ready to fill the vacuum left behind it. A relative newcomer to the market, Crysis ransomware is already …

Mozilla will fund code audits for open source software

The Mozilla Foundation has set up the Secure Open Source (SOS) Fund, whose aim is to help open source software projects get rid their code of vulnerabilities. “The Fund …

BEC scams: What you need to know

Ransomware attacks hitting businesses and institutions might be the latest trend, but they are just one of the threats these organizations have to protect themselves against. …

Google Chrome
Bug in Chrome’s PDF reader allows arbitrary code execution

Vulnerabilities in software often arise from faulty implementations of elements developed by other code writers. Take for example CVE-2016-1681, the heap-based buffer overflow …

32m Twitter login credentials stolen from users

Leaked Source has added 32,888,300 records of Twitter users to its repository of leaked data. The source of the batch is a user who goes by the alias …

University pays $20,000 in ransomware attack

The ransomware plague has hit the University of Calgary, and the academic institution did what many victims do: they paid the ransom to get the encrypted files back. The …

Fake gaming torrents download unwanted apps instead of popular games

If you’re looking for torrents to download pirated copies of popular games, be extra careful not to be tricked into downloading malicious and unwanted software instead. …

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