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Firefox fingerprint
Firefox will soon block canvas-based browser fingerprinting attempts

Starting with Firefox 58, users will be able to refuse websites’ requests for information extracted via the HTML5 canvas element, which can be used to fingerprint their …

Google Chrome biohazard
Malicious Chrome extension steals all data

There’s a glut of malicious Google Chrome extensions out there, but some are more harmful than others. The one that SANS ISC incident handler Renato Marinho has dubbed …

LG HomeHack
Researchers turn LG’s Hom-Bot vacuum cleaner into a real-time spying device

Check Point researchers have discovered a vulnerability in LG’s smart home infrastructure that could have allowed hackers to take over the legitimate user’s account and, …

maritime control panel
Critical flaws in maritime comms system could endanger entire ships

IOActive security consultant Mario Ballano has discovered two critical cybersecurity vulnerabilities affecting Stratos Global’s AmosConnect communication shipboard platform. …

Offshore law firm Appleby confirms data breach

Appleby, a major offshore law firm based in Bermuda, has confirmed it has suffered a data security incident in 2016 that resulted in some of their data being compromised. …

Coinhive breached due to old, reused password

Coinhive has suffered another setback: their DNS records have been surreptitiously changed by attackers, allowing them to steal cryptocurrency mined via the project’s …

NotPetya successor Bad Rabbit hits orgs in Russia, Ukraine

Bad Rabbit ransomware, apparently modeled on NotPetya, has hit a number of organizations across Russia, Ukraine, and Eastern Europe on Tuesday. Russian security outfit …

Windows 10
Is the Windows 10 controlled folder access anti-ransomware feature any good?

With last week’s release of Windows 10 Fall Creators Update, users get a new feature aimed at stopping ransomware from encrypting their most important files. It’s …

Camera-based, single-step two-factor authentication resilient to pictionary, shoulder surfing attacks

A group of researchers from Florida International University and Bloomberg LP have created Pixie, a camera-based two-factor authentication system that could end up being a …

The impact of threat hunting on your security operations

The main goal of threat hunting is to find traces attackers have left behind in the organization’s IT environment. These traces can date back to already solved crises or …

Google Play
Beware fake Android cryptocurrency trading apps on Google Play

Two phishing apps that were made to look like the official app of popular cryptocurrency exchange Poloniex have been booted off Google Play after ESET researchers notified …

MacOS Proton backdoor delivered via Trojanized media player app

A Trojanized version of Elmedia Player software for Mac was available for download for who knows how long from the developer’s official site, ESET researchers have …

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