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online shopping
1 in 5 merchants compromised by Magecart get reinfected

The Magecart threat looms large for online retailers and their customers, as the criminal groups that have been assigned this collective name are constantly trying out new …

Google Chrome
Chrome will start warning users about shady mobile subscription pages

Google has announced that, starting from Chrome 71, users will be explicitly warned when attempting to visit pages that try to trick them into signing up for mobile-based …

How email fraud tactics continue to find new life

Almost as soon as email became widely used, crooks and scammers began using it as a means to defraud people. In today’s world, malicious fake emails continue to be a …

Oracle VirtualBox
VirtualBox Guest-to-Host escape 0day and exploit released online

Independent vulnerability researcher Sergey Zelenyuk has made public a zero-day vulnerability he discovered in VirtualBox, the popular open source virtualization software …

Attackers breached Statcounter to steal cryptocurrency from users

Web analytics company Statcounter and cryptocurrency exchange have been compromised in another supply-chain attack, which resulted in an unknown number of …

How task management and easy collaboration can help your security team

Many individuals struggle with organizing their day-to-day work. In instances where they are expected to perform many disparate tasks, disorganization could end up being fatal …

Self-encrypting SSDs vulnerable to encryption bypass attacks

Researchers have discovered security holes in the hardware encryption implementation of several solid state disks (SSDs) manufactured by Crucial (owned by Micron) and Samsung, …

Apache Struts
Apache Struts 2.3.x vulnerable to two year old RCE flaw

The Apache Software Foundation is urging users that run Apache Struts 2.3.x to update the Commons FileUpload library to close a serious vulnerability that could be exploited …

How financial institutions can change the economics of fraud

In 2017, the number of identity fraud victims in the United States has risen to nearly 17 million. As the US became the last of the G20 countries to adopt Chip and …

Netflix releases desktop versions of device security app Stethoscope

In early 2017, the Netflix team open sourced Stethoscope, an application that collects information about users’ devices and provides them with recommendations for securing …

Vulnerabilities’ CVSS scores soon to be assigned by AI

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) is planning to use IBM’s Watson to evaluate how critical publicly reported computer vulnerabilities are and …

USB threat vector trends and implications for industrial operators

In an attempt to make industrial control systems less accessible to attackers, industrial players are limiting network access and increasingly using USB media devices to …

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