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Enterprise VPN apps store authentication and session cookies insecurely

CVE-2019-1573, a flaw that makes VPN applications store the authentication and/or session cookies insecurely (i.e. unencrypted) in memory and/or log files, affects a yet to be …

A quarter of phishing emails bypass Office 365 security

Email phishing is one of the most often used – and most successfully used – attack vectors that lead to cybersecurity incidents and breaches. Microsoft is the most …

WPA3 design flaws affect security of new Wi-Fi standard

Researchers have discovered a number of design flaws affecting the security of the recently introduced WPA3 data transmission protocol. Collectively dubbed Dragonblood …

WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange arrested in London

Wikileaks founder Julian Assange has been arrested by officers of the Metropolitan Police at the Embassy of Ecuador in London. “He has been taken into custody at a …

TRITON attackers detected at another critical infrastructure facility

The attackers who were first spotted wielding the custom TRITON framework have targeted another critical infrastructure facility, FireEye researchers have revealed on …

April 2019 Patch Tuesday: Microsoft fixes two actively exploited bugs

Microsoft has plugged 74 CVE-numbered security holes on this April 2019 Patch Tuesday, including two vulnerabilities actively exploited by attackers. All of the bugs are rated …

Biohacking Village
Hacking healthcare: A call for infosec researchers to probe biomedical devices

It is a brave new connected world out there and there is no shortage of cybersecurity risks associated with everything we do. We can’t even be sure that the technologies …

Windows 10: New update controls for end users, automatic removal of broken updates

It seems that last year’s Windows 10 updating troubles have spurred Microsoft to make some changes to the operating system’s update experience and the …

PoC exploit for Carpe Diem Apache bug released

Charles Fol, the security engineer that unearthed the Carpe Diem Apache HTTP Server bug (CVE-2019-0211), has released an exploit for it. “This is between a POC and a …

Is your organization getting physical security right?

For most organizations (and especially for tech companies), the physical security of data centers and headquarters is of the utmost importance. As Tim Roberts, a senior …

FileTSAR: Free digital forensic investigations toolkit for law enforcement

Purdue University cybersecurity experts have created FileTSAR, an all-in-one digital forensic investigations toolkit for law enforcement. About FileTSAR FileTSAR, which stands …

Magento sites under attack through easily exploitable SQLi flaw

A recently patched SQL injection flaw affecting the popular open-source e-commerce platform Magento is being actively exploited by attackers, so if you haven’t …

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