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Executing a multi-cloud strategy: Crawl, walk, run

Despite many challenges, enterprises are increasingly adopting cloud computing in an effort to become more agile, lower IT costs, and have the ability to scale. Most of those …

Microsoft Exchange
Researchers discover highly stealthy Microsoft Exchange backdoor

An extremely stealthy Microsoft Exchange backdoor can read, modify or block emails going through the compromised mail server and even compose and send new emails. LightNeuron …

What will phishers do once push-based MFA becomes widely used?

As phishing continues to be the number one method for initiating a breach, investing in anti-phishing technologies or training – preferably both – should be a …

Dell laptop
Flaw in pre-installed software opens Dell computers to remote hijack

Dell computer owners should update the Dell SupportAssist software as soon as possible to close a high-risk remote code execution vulnerability. What is Dell SupportAssist? …

Mozilla will block Firefox add-ons that contain obfuscated code

Mozilla has announced that, starting from June 10, Firefox add-ons containing obfuscated code will no longer be allowed on its Add-ons portal and will be blocked. “We …

Google security
Google offers auto-delete option for location, web tracking history

Google has added a control option to users’ accounts that will allow them to instruct the company to auto-delete their location history, browsing and search data once a …

50,000 companies running SAP installations open to attack via publicly released exploits

Two exploits publicly released in late April at the OPCDE security conference in Dubai could be leveraged to compromise a great number of SAP implementations, Onapsis has …

Attackers actively exploiting Atlassian Confluence and Oracle WebLogic flaws

Attackers are actively exploiting recently fixed vulnerabilities in Oracle WebLogic and the Widget Connector macro in Atlassian Confluence to deliver ransomware, mine …

Microsoft 365 updates for better enterprise data privacy

Microsoft has announced new privacy controls for Microsoft 365 enterprise customers: they will be able to revoke access to encrypted emails, block sensitive information from …

Which cyber threats should financial institutions be on the lookout for?

Banks and financial services organizations were the targets of 25.7 percent of all malware attacks last year, more than any other industry, IntSigths revealed in their latest …

Making the most of threat intelligence with threat intelligence gateways

Even though many security professionals are still dissatisfied with threat intelligence accuracy and quality, its use as a resource for network defense is growing. According …

Docker hub
Attackers breached Docker Hub, grabbed keys and tokens

Docker, the company behing the popular virtualization tool bearing the same name, has announced late on Friday that it has suffered a security breach. There was no official …

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