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Backup & Recovery

The undeniable importance of backup is the reason why system administrators invest time and effort into creating and maintaining a backup system fit for their infrastructure. …

Interview with Chris Sanders, Author of “Practical Packet Analysis”

Chris Sanders is a Senior Support Engineer for KeeFORCE, a technology consulting firm. Chris writes and speaks on various topics including packet analysis, network security, …

The Book of Wireless (2nd Edition)

In the last couple of years Wi-Fi has become a household name and wireless networks are now practically everywhere. Despite the proliferation of wireless Internet access, …

Mac OS X Leopard: The Missing Manual

Immediately after its release, Mac OS X Leopard became a big hit. Apple sold 2 million copies of the innovative operating system in the first weekend alone. With more than 300 …

Interview with Gregory Conti, Assistant Professor of Computer Science at the United States Military Academy

Besides his work as a professor and Director of the Information and Technology and Operations research center, Gregory Conti is also the author of the excellent book Security …

Interview with Nitesh Dhanjani and Billy Rios, Spies in the Phishing Underground

Both Nitesh and Billy are well-known security researchers that have recently managed to infiltrate the phishing underground. What started as a simple examination of phishing …

Cisco Networking Simplified (2nd Edition)

Although the vast majority of Cisco Press titles are geared towards intermediate and advanced readers that can solve complex network issues at 3 AM on a Sunday, this is one of …

The Craft of System Security

Computer security is an immense topic and there are thousands of books available that cover every possible technology and tool on the market. What makes this book different …

Interview with Michael Rash, Security Architect and Author of “Linux Firewalls”

Michael Rash is a security architect with Enterasys Networks, where he develops the Dragon intrusion and prevention system. He is a frequent contributor to open source …

Security Data Visualization

The visualization of security data is useful to the modern security analyst, and it will certainly become essential in certain environments very soon. Never has there been …

Interview with Janne Uusilehto, Head of Nokia Product Security

Janne is Head of Nokia Product Security, responsible for product security development at the world’s number 1 mobile device manufacturer. He is a member of several Nokia …

Ubuntu Linux for Non-Geeks (2nd Edition)

Many still believe that using Linux requires some advanced knowledge and that it's far for being user friendly. With time, user friendliness has become an important part of …

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