Industry News

Rapid7 introduces cloud workload protection in InsightCloudSec
Rapid7 announced new cloud workload protection capabilities for InsightCloudSec, the company’s fully-integrated cloud-native security platform (CNSP). These enhancements, …

Nebulon TimeJump offers ransomware recovery for critical application data and infected operating systems
Nebulon unveiled Nebulon TimeJump, a solution architected to address key ransomware mitigation challenges faced by CIOs and CISOs. Nebulon TimeJump is the combined server and …

Very Good Security Network Tokens enhances payment security
Very Good Security announced that the VGS Payment Optimization suite now offers Network Tokens, a new feature that enhances the security of payment transactions while …

Arista CUE enables commercial customers to accelerate new services and technology innovations
Arista Networks announced the next phase of Arista’s cognitive campus vision with the introduction of the CUE (Cognitive Unified Edge). CUE enables commercial customers to …

Aruba Central NetConductor enables IT teams to automate network configuration
Aruba announced significant advancements to Aruba ESP (Edge Services Platform), with new functionality in Aruba Central to enable organizations to keep pace with rapidly …

Ivanti Wavelink’s operational insights offering improves supply chain operations for customers
Ivanti Wavelink announced a new offering that delivers operational insights for new and current Ivanti Velocity customers. These insights enable key performance indicator …

RemotePC allows users to access their office computers and servers via RDP Connector
RemotePC is now offering RDP Connector as an add-on, allowing users to access their windows computers and servers securely via RDP, letting them skip configuring Microsoft RD …

Comcast Business Gateway improves protection and connectivity for businesses
Comcast Business introduced the Comcast Business Gateway, its next-generation Advanced Gateway and the company’s first WiFi-6 certified device capable of delivering …

Swimlane and 1898 & Co. join forces to defend critical infrastructure companies against rising cyber threats
Swimlane announced a strategic partnership with 1898 & Co. to deliver a low-code security automation solution to the operational technology (OT) industry. This jointly …

Cybellum partners with AVL to provide cybersecurity vulnerability management for the automotive industry
Cybellum and AVL announced a partnership to bring automated cybersecurity vulnerability management and regulatory compliance to the industry. With the growing scale and …

Ping Payments selects Sentinels to reinforce its AML controls
Ping Payments has chosen Sentinels, an intelligent transaction monitoring and client risk management platform, to reinforce its anti-money laundering (AML) controls. Complex …

HSBC collaborates with IBM to accelerate quantum computing readiness
HSBC and IBM announced that they will work together on exploring applications for quantum computing in financial services. The new three-year collaboration is designed to …