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Smart cities to use 1.1 billion connected things

Increasing urbanization is putting unprecedented pressure on city mayors to constantly balance the challenge of resource constraints against environmental sustainability …

Do your attackers know your network better than you?

Cyber crime is a lucrative business. In fact, to make the cyber attack as profitable as possible and to minimize the risk of getting caught, attackers and black hat hackers …

Why senior managers need to be involved in data security

The networking environment has changed radically in recent times. In today’s world of increasing wireless use, widespread BYOD, more home working, more remote access, …

Native Hadoop security tools are not enough

While an overwhelming majority of Hadoop users agree that data security is a critical requirement, most disagree or are not sure that its native security tools provide enough …

The need for information security innovation

The increasing number of connected devices is multiplying the probability of cyberattacks on companies across sectors. This is compelling organizations to adopt cybersecurity …

SSL Labs unveils free open source tool, new APIs

Qualys SSL Labs now includes free assessment APIs, accompanied by a free open source tool that can be used for bulk and automated testing of websites. These new enhancements …

A billion data records leaked in 2014

2014 was the year when “designer vulnerabilities” emerged, when breaches and security incidents were being announced so fast that we struggled to keep up, when old …

Do smart machines require ethical programming?

Realizing the potential of smart machines — and ensuring successful outcomes for the businesses that rely on them — will hinge on how trusted smart machines are and how well …

The evolution of vendor risk management in financial institutions

The Financial Services industry has long been recognized as a leader in establishing many of the security and fraud detection practices that have influenced best practices in …

What pokes holes in virtual environments?

While most companies believe virtualization technology is a strategic priority, there are clear risks that need to be addressed. Ixia surveyed more than 430 targeted …

When it comes to cloud apps, companies are left in the dark

More than two-thirds (67 per cent) of organizations admit that unauthorized cloud applications are being implemented without IT’s knowledge or involvement, and …

Microsoft releases EMET 5.2

Microsoft has released version 5.2 of its Enhanced Mitigation Experience Toolkit (EMET), a free utility that can detect and block exploitation techniques that are commonly …

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